🍗🌠Wish Bone 🌠🍗

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Tubbo walks over to the turkey with a plate in his hand getting some cut up pieces of turkey putting it onto his plate as he stumbles across a weird looking fork shaped bone. "Tubbo! You found a wish bone." His dad said with a smile. "What's a wish bone ?" Tubbo asked not knowing what a wishbone was. "A wishbone is a forked bone between the neck and chest of a bird. The wishbone aka the bone that you found is broken by two individuals and whoever gets the larger part of the wishbone wins and can make a wish! It's a tradition of Thanksgiving!" Philza explains to the younger boy. "Woah,that sounds so cool!" Tubbos eyes lit up with amazement. "Wanna try?" His dad asked earning a quick nod from his son,they took hold of the wish bone.


Philza grins at Tubbo who had the larger piece,"You win! Go ahead make a wish!" He said. Tubbo didn't think he would win but that made the boy even more excited that he did . He then thinks about what he should wish for then made a wish.

His wish was that he wanted to be with his family and have fun with them forever.

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