🌽Corn Maze🌽

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It was once a year type thing where Darryl and Zak decided to go to a corn maze on Halloween night,and to be honest Darryl didn't want
to go but Zak called him chicken and Bad said he wasn't so here they were standing outside a corn maze at night on Halloween . "I can't believe we drove all the way out here." Darryl said slightly nervous while Zak was excited. "It could be wayy worse we could be chased by something in the mazes or something like that. " The raven haired boy said. "Don't say that! That doesn't make me feel better!" Darryl said whimpering. "There's nothing to be afraid of,let's go!" Zak said grabbing Darryl's hand and led him through the maze. Zak being the troll he was would sometimes scare the other boy by saying 'do you hear that?' Or by making up a scary backstory for the maze making Darryl even more scared and anxious,after awhile when Darryl wasn't paying attention he somehow had lost Zak. "Zak? Where are you muffin head?" Darryl said loudly looking around hoping Zak would respond but nothing then said his name a bit louder then hears a scream and jumps ,"Zak?! Where are you?! Are you hurt?!" Darryl shouted with  worry.  "BAD! HELPP!!"Zak screams as Darryl panics and tries his best to find the other boy and thinking how he knew this was a bad idea from the start. The screams eventually stops and tears were running down Darryl's cheeks as he sobs thinking his lover was dead but he kept calling Zak's name out hoping he'll reply. After a minute or two,"Boo!" Zak shouts  from behind him causing Darryl to jump and hugs Zak tightly as he cries harder. Zak realizes that he had worried the other and quickly hugs him back and runs his hand through Darryl's hair,"I'm sorry, I was just joking! I didn't mean to scare you that badly!" Zak said kissing the other trying to calm him down.It took a minute for Darryl to calm down he sniffs and looked at Zak,"You're so mean..why would you do that? I thought I lost you! "He sniffs again as Zak plants kisses on his lover's face. "I'm sorry,I really didn't mean to scare you that badly. How about we get out of here and snuggle while I give you kisses when we get home?" Zak asked earning a small nod from Darryl.  "Okayy.."Darryl quietly said as they headed out of the maze and back into the car where Zak gives him more kisses and kept apologizing for how sorry he was for scary Darryl that badly. They arrived at home and  Zak got some snacks while Darryl went to their room to start the movie putting on Casper the friendly ghost because he needed to watch  something non scary and put  him at ease . Zak comes into their room with the snacks and got in bed setting the snacks on the bed as he wraps his arms around Bad giving him kisses,"Baby,please don't be mad,I'm sorry. I won't do it again I promise.  I love you." Zak said. "I love you too you muffin ,but please don't scare me like that again?" Darryl said kisses back. "I won't I promise." Zak softly said opening the bag of chips as the two  watched the movie while eating snacks and cuddling until they fell asleep.

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