🍎Little Red Riding Hood 🍎

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Little Red Riding hood sat near his grandmother who was reading him a story about some blonde girl who decided to break an entering into a family of bear's house. George thought it was very dumb of the girl to just enter the house and not expect the bear family to come back. George let out a sigh as he suddenly notice his grandma stop reading,he looks at her seeing that she had fallen asleep. He gets up tucking her in then leaves her room,he then looks around the kitchen to see if she had anything good which she didn't.  George sighed looking at the ingredients that his grandmother had then came up with the idea that he could make an apple pie,he knew there was an apple tree that his grandmother had planted long time ago and knew it was still there,so he could gets some apples from there. He takes his basket and goes outside to the apple tree that was behind the house and begins picking the apples.  George had gotten a werid feeling that he was being watched but brushed it off as he picked more apples thinking it was just his imagination.  When his basket was half full with apples he turns around to suddenly being face to face with a werewolf.The werewolf was a man with blonde ears and tail and he was wearing a mask ,a green hoodie,and some jeans. George did not dare to scream or shout for help if he did he would fear the man would attack him. "P-Please don't hurt me!" He said with fear in his voice. The werewolf seemed to be amused by George,"I would never dare to hurt such a cutie  like you." The man said chuckling. George felt his cheeks heat up and thought to himself it wasn't the time to be falling for this monster. "No need to feel scared . I don't bite much." The man said. "Please go away!" George said using the basket of apples and wacking the beast over the head with it. The man groaned out in pain and puts his hand over his head,"What the fuck?!" The man growled. George took the chance and pushed the stranger, running past him hoping he would reach the  house and closed the door in time. The werewolf launches himself at George pinning him down to the ground,"You're not escaping me that quickly." He said. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! I thought you were going to hurt me!" George said lying through his teeth. "Do you think I'm stupid?" He asked staring down at George. Little Red shakes his head no at the wolfman,"I do not,you must understand where I'm coming from. A person who is just picking apples then suddenly  and are  feeling like they are being watched then, boom out of nowhere, a wolf man is standing right there behind them. " George explains. The wolf looked at him for a second the sighs,"Yeahh,that does sound pretty sketchy, sorry about that.." he apologized. "You're sorry?" George questions making the man nod a yes in response. "Maybe..I was to harsh?... Ummm my name is George, and you are?" He asked. "The name's Dream. " The werewolf answers. "It's nice to meet you,ummm wanna help me collect more apples for a pie I'm making?" George asked awkwardly .  The werewolf happily nods his head,"I would love too." He said as the two collected some more apples. George's basket was now full," I can't let you inside or else my grandmother might have a stroke if she saw you or freak out,but we can talk at the window." George said. "Alright,sounds good!." Dream said smiling. Geroge goes into the house starting to get  the ingredients then make the pie as he talks to Dream who was standing outside of house near the window.  When the pie was done George let it cool and went outside to be closer to Dream. They talked about random stuff like what they like to do for fun and what not,"Do you have a house near by? There aren't many stores around here unless you go way out where the town is,do you get your food in the woods ?" George asked clearly intrested in Dream. "I do live by somewhere,and no I don't go to the store in town they would immediately kill me or chase me out of town,so I gotta hunt my food then prep it ,then I can finally eat it." Dream replies with a smile."I already ate but I don't mind having some dessert~." Dream said looking at George causing him to blush. "Awww,does little  Georgie have a small crush on this big bad wolf?" Dream teased with a huge  grin on his face. "No I don't, shut up!" George said quickly looking away from the other. Dream chuckles then wrapped an arm around him giving George's neck a kiss, as George lets out a small moan then quickly covers his mouth "Dream,stop it!"Riding Hood said embarrassed of the sound he just made."Aww,I could get use to of those sounds." Dream said with a smirk. "Ahah,I think the pie is done cooling! Would you like some?" George asked changing the subject.  "The only pie I want is yo-" Dream gets cut off by George "Great!! I'll go get us some!" He said quickly then goes inside to get them some pie. "Hmph,you're no fun Georgie." Dream said with a huff. George comes back out with two plates that had pie on them, and gived one to Dream as he sits down next to him. Dream picks the pie up with his hands without using the fork George had give him and starting eating the apple pie,"Mmm, the pie is actually good." The wolf said. "Did you expect it to be bad?" George asked. "You could be one of those people who are good looking but are bad at cooking. " Dream pointed out the  chuckles. "That's rude." The other said pouting at him. "But it turns out you're still a good cook along with a cutie." Dream said finishing his pie. "Yeah,yeah,whatever. " George takes  his and Dream's plate then gets up,"it's getting late you should head home." He said to the other. Dream nods slowly getting up ,"Yeahh,I had a great time today, besides you probaly giving me a concussion. " the wolf jokes. " Yeahh I'm still sorry about that,I was wondering.. can we hang out tomorrow?" George said shyly looking away. "Of course!" Dream said smiling then  wagged his tail excitedly hugging Little Red.

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