🔪Knives 🔪

92 3 2

Tw:cutting/stabbing, Skeppy dying


Skeppy takes knives out of his kitchen's drawer he takes a small paired knife along a long sharp knife with a black handle. He sadly smiled at them slowly taking the paried knife and begins cutting himself. He hated life,he hated how  Bad left him because they kept fighting about the dumbest things,he could of apologized, but being the stubborn person he was he didn't do that ,and now Bad was with Sapnap. Skeppy makes long and short cuts onto both of his arms,then moves to his neck slowly making little cuts, not wanting to end it to early,he wants to suffer before he dies. He lifts his shirt up cutting his stomach making longer and slightly deeper cuts,he places the small knife down and takes the bigger and longer knife,"..I'm so sorry bad..I love you,I wish you the best in life.." Skeppy said before taking the knife and impaling it into him,he collapsed onto his knees as he repeated stabs himself then quickly falls to the ground dropping the knife .

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