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Sapnap strips out of his clothes then enters the tub filled with water, "You coming in or ate you gonna stare at me the whole time?" He asked grinning at Dream."I mean I don't mind standing and staring at you,you're beautiful." Dream repiles. "Get your ass in here." Sapnap said moving over so that Dream could have room to get in. Dream chuckles at his lover then starts stripping then gets in the tub. Sapnap notices a big scar on Dream's chest,"What happened?" He asked with curiosity. "What do you mea- oh,you mean the scar. I got this when I was sword fighting with Techno,nothing to serious thankfully. " Dream answers. Sapnap kisses the scar ," Please be more careful." The black haired boy said before kissing the scar again. Dream smiles at Sapnap then wrapps his arms around his lover bringing him closer ,"I will,thanks for  worrying about me." Dream said giving Sapnap a kiss. "It's my job to worry about you,especially if you're doing dumb shit!" Sapnap said jokingly.

"Yeahh you're right."Dream said with a chuckle,"I love you baby."

Sapnap smiles then kisses his boyfriend"I love you too."

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