🎠🎡🎪Going to a creepy carnival 🎪🎡🎠

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It was once in a life time that the carnival came to town,Wilbur and Jschlatt wanted to go to even if it was bad and not worth their time they just needed to do something to get them out of the apartment. Wilbur told Jschlatt about it which Schlatt wasn't really interested in ,but then gives in since he has nothing better to do for tonight. The carnival opens about seven pm and closes around ten,so the two had alot of time to kill before they head to the carnival,so they played minecraft then watched some tv.When the time came they left the apartment and headed to where the Carnival was being held at,there were tons of people there buying food and playing games having fun and such. Wilbur immediately notice the Halloween theme they had going on along with 'scary' prizes,"Should we go on the rides or go play some games?" He asked. Jschlatt shrugs"Mmh I really don't care,whichever you want to do." He responds. Wilbur sighed at the other,"We'll go on a ride then play some games." He said deciding for them. They looked around to find a cupcake shape cars connected to each other and Wilbur picked that one making Jschlatt silently judging him,they quickly got on having the person of the ride going over basic rules then  starts the ride as they enter the building,it was very colorful as they enter the building with cheerful music,"Out of all the rides you picked this one?" Jschlatt asked. "It's not like you were picking what you wanted to go on and plus you didn't care what we do." Wilbur said.  "True,but damn the lights are to much.." Jschlatt said having to close his eyes because the lights were giving him headache. Wilbur doesn't respond he just watches what's going on around him,clowns suddenly appear from the walls singing to the cheerful music that played as smiles were plastered on their faces making Wilbur feeling slightly uneasy as the lights suddenly went out for a moment or two before everything was lighten up with dark red lights and the clowns were still smiling with razor sharp teeth and were  covered with blood,they held knives now they were still singing but the music seemed less cheerful. The music was slowed down sounding like a dying radio playing on repeat  as they continue down the the room they begin seeing hanged stuffed clowns,creepy clown dolls,and blood splattered all over the place as a robot clown got attack by other clowns. "Holy shit.." Jschlatt mumbles under his breathe can't believing what's happening right before his eyes as Wilbur just watches in horror.  The ride went on what seems like forever but it was only for two minutes the two witness so many clowns along with the terrible things they did to each other.  When they got off the ride they notice how different the carnival became instead the cheerful people they saw minutes ago it was now replace with a depressing vibe the people looked less happy and more sad along with some looking dead in the face  ,the colorful carnival they saw was now a gray color with some dim  yellow lights that took over the place,the place looked completely abandon,"Let's.. let's leave this place." Jschlatt said taking Wilbur's hand and quickly ran  slightly pushing people out of the way to reach the entrance that they came from. Once they reached the entrance they kept going without stopping untill they reached their car and got in it heading home,"W-What the hell happened back their?"Wilbur asked frightened. "It's for the best we forget about what happened. I know it's sound crazy ignoring that but if you seen horror movies the crazy shit that happens usually disappear when cops arrives and make it think like we're crazy or on something.." Jschlatt said. "True.. maybe that's a good idea.. okay let's try forgetting about what had happened." Wilbur said bringing himself to agree with the other really wanting to forget about what had happened. "Let's get some hot pockets when we get home,the pretzel kind,and then let's watch or do something to keep our minds distracted. " Jschlatt said earning a nod from Wilbur,"Okay..:Good idea." Wilbur responded.  They reached their apartment getting out of the car and head to their apartment door going inside,Wilbur went to turn on the tv as Jschlatt went to the kitchen to make them some hot pockets along with getting them something to drink. Wilbur sits down on the couch watching TV watching Halloween Wars as Jschlatt comes in with a plate with hot pockets along with a bottle of soda with him then sets the food down on the table taking a sit next to Wilbur. The two watched tv shows all night eventually forgetting about what  had  happened and fell asleep.


I didn't know how to end it xD

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