You're brew-ti-ful.

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Nick works at a coffee shop which he enjoys a latte only because of his favorite customer that comes in and gets the same thing as usual which he doesn't complicate his order like some of his other customers do. Nick looked at the clock and smiled and starts making his favorite customer's order which is a blended coffee frappe and a couple of muffins since he knew his customer wasn't to picky on what kind of muffins he got because he likes them all. He  puts the muffins on the plate then quickly makes the drink,as he was finishing adding the whipped cream and caramel to the drink he hears his beautiful angel's voice,"Hey Nick!!" Darryl said with a smile and walks in taking a seat. "Hey there cutie just in time." Nick said grinning as he places the drink and the plate of muffins in front of Darryl who blushes at him,"Oh my goodness stop it! Thank you.." he said taking a muffin and begins eating  it. "No problem love! You mocha me very happy whenever you come in here to visit me." Nick said grinning earning a disaproval groan from Darryl, "Stop it,or I'm going to a different coffee place!"he said putting the muffin down then takes a sip out of his coffee ."That's a lieee,i bean alot to you and you loveee me!" Nick said chuckling as Darryl stares at him before getting up and heads to the door, but Nick stops him and quickly hugs Darryl from behind,"Noooooo,I'm sorry!! Please stayy!!" He whines giving his boyfriend kisses which he gives in and  rolls his eyes,"Fine,but no more puns!" Darryl said as they head back to their seats and sat back down. Nick kisses his boyfriend then holds his hand staring at him lovingly which Darryl just blushes at him ,"Nickkk,stop staring at me. " he said looking away as Nick kisses him again and smiles ,"Awww but you look so cute right now! I can't espresso how much you bean to me." He says with a grin now. "Is it to late to just become friends again?" Darryl asked groaning."Yes it is! You signed up for this when you asked me out,so you gotta put up with me!"Nick chuckles pecking his lips. "No more kisses if you're gonna keep making those lame puns!" Darryl said huffing earning a pout from Nick ,"Pleaseeee?? For you're lovely boyfriend?? You're making me sadd." Nick said whining. Darryl sighed and couldn't say no to him and gives his boyfriend some kisses,"Finee,I'll still give you kisses. Only because I love you" he smiles at his boyfriend who stares at him lovingly before attacking his face with kisses,"I love you too, my coffee bean." Nick said smiling back.

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