🦃🙏Thankful 🙏🦃

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Guess who's going to post Thanksgiving related stories untill Thanksgiving is over,  it's me. 👀👀👀👀 also I'll be writing this while watching How the Grinch stole Christmas  on freeform 😂😂😂


"Hey Dad? " The brown haired boy said while his dad who was making mash potatoes"What is it Wilbur?" His father asked."Since Thanksgiving is here,and everyone is being thankful. I was ummm wonder what you were thankful for?"Wilbur ask with curiosity.  The blonde gives his son a smile,"I'm grateful for many things like having good health especially during the whole pandemic, I'm grateful that my kids are healthy and happy,I'm grateful that we have food on the table along with being financially stable. What about you? What are you grateful Wilbur?" Philza asked. Wilbur was impressed about the list that his dad gave and didn't know if he could top that but he still give it some thought before answering,"Ummm I'm grateful that I have a father in my life and who cares deeply about his children, I'm grateful for having amazing siblings even though sometimes they are troublesome heh,ummmm I'm glad I have friends who support me,and ummmm that's all I got." Wilbur said shyly.  "Those were wonderful reasons to give off." Philza said with a smalie then gives him a small hug,"Dinner is almost ready go get your brothers so we can eat." He adds. Wilbur hugs him back tightly,"Will do!" He said happily then went to get his brothers so they could eat together as a family.

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