Greatest fear

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"What's your greatest fear?" Dream asked holding Sapnap in his arms as they laid in their bed together watching Scare Tactics on tv. "
My greatest fear? I think losing my close friends that I've made over the pass years. I love my friends with all my heart and would do anything to make them happy. " Sapnap replies earning a smile from Dream who kisses him,"Aww you're such a soft boy. I love you" he said chuckling causing the other to blush."What about you? What's your greatest fear?" Sapnap asked earning a chuckle from Dream. "Not telling~!" He says earning a pout from the other. "No fair! I told you my greatest fair! It's only fair you tell me yours!" Sapnap said. "You didn't have to tell me you just did not my fault your an open book." Dream chuckles earning an annoyed sigh from his boyfriend."Fine,I'll tell you. Right now I'm afraid of losing you. You mean alot to me,and the thought of you hurt or dying scares me even more than you can imagine." Dream said holding the Texan tightly and kisses him. "Aww you big soft teddy bear." Sapnap giggles earing a smile from the other and pecks his lips."I hope we be together forever." He adds intertwining his fingers with Dream's. "Me too,I love you." His lover replies kissing him. "I love you too." Sapnap said before going back to watching tv as they ended up cuddling the whole day.

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