Being to loud📣

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Wilbur and Dream were basically up all night playing games which they would sometimes shout or get angry at one another for cheating or  losing,after around midnight they decided to go to bed,few hours later they woke up.Wilbur wraps his arms around Dream groaning as they laid in bed,"Babe,will you go make us breakfast?  I'm hungry. " he said tiredly. Dream groans,"I'll order something because I don't want to get out of bed yet." He said getting his phone and starts ordering then summiting it after they were done picking out what they wanted to eat. Dream put his phone down then goes back cuddling Wilbur,"The food will be here in forty minutes or so." He said earning a nod from the other. They cuddle untill the food got there which Dream got the food along with getting a note about the how loud they were being. He sets the food down as Wilbur enters the kitchen already taking the food out of the bag,"Heh,looks like we were  being to loud last night." Dream said showing Wilbur the paper making him laugh.  "Let's try to be quiet so we don't get kick out of our apartment,but anyways let's dig in. I'm hungryy!" Wilbur said. Dream quickly nods crumbling up the paper and throw it away as he and Wilbur begins to eat.

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