Broken Promise 💔

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"You promise?"

"I promise."


"You lied to me! Why was I so stupid?! If he couldn't keep a promise then he should never made it then left me." He screams in frustration,beginning to cry. He hears his door bell going off and quickly wipes his tears ,going to his door not caring if he looks like a mess. "Hey Sap- Whoa are you okay?!" Dream asked worriedly. Sapnap stayed quiet then hugs Dream tightly and sobbed harder. "I thought... he was the one! My soul mate! " Sapnap said sadly.  "Why does every leave me!"he adds.  Dream frowns ,"That's not true. Not everyone has left you.."he said trying to make him feel better. "George left me,Quackity, and now Karl! I'm all alone and going to die alon-" Sapnap gets cut off by Dream kissing him. Dream breaks the kiss afterwards, "You're not alone or going to die alone,you still have me. I'm never going to leave you." He says then kisses Sapnap again. "How do I know that you won't leave me like the others?.." Sapnap asked. "Give me a chance,and I'll prove it to you." Dream answers. Sapnap thought about it for a good moment before nodding his head,"You have one chance.. don't fuck it up."

Dream smiles at him,"You won't regret it. I promise." Giving Sapnap one last kiss before they went back to Sapnap's room to cuddle.


Requested by Gamerluna44

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