What's Thanksgiving?

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My sources came from google when writting this,because I didn't know how to word it or explain it well.

If you want to know more about this holiday if you don't celebrate,google it thats my best answer xD

George was in call with his boyfriend listening to him talking about this holiday he never heard of,"Hey Dream, what's Thanksgiving?" He asked. "Oh Thanksgiving,it's basically a holiday of being thankful and the sacrifice for the blessing of the harvest.It first was created by a group of pilgrims who had most of their people die due to the weather or disease,and they later figured out how harvest and other stuff.Thanksgiving is also a national holiday celebrated on various dates,and ours is celebrated on the 26th of November. Usually friends and family gather for dinner talking and chilling with each other. That's basically what Thanksgiving is or that's the best way I can explain it." Dream answers. "Do you think I could come over for Thanksgiving and hang with you?" George asked shyly slightly blushing wanting to witness the holiday since he doesn't have it there. Dream smiles,"Of course baby,I would love to eat my boyf- I mean I would love to eat with my boyfriend." He said causing George's blush to darken."I'm going to call it a night!" He said quickly hanging up causing Dream to laugh.

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