I Still Love You

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It's been two weeks since Sapnap had found out that his boyfriend had cheated on him with some random dude that they met at the bar,he wasn't in good shape he had lost weight from the lack of food and was probably dehydrated too.He looked at the missed calls and messages from Dream and George but never called them back not having the energy to do so,he stop posting minecraft stuff making everyone who knew him worry, even the fans were asking where he was and if he was okay,after awhile he stop going on social media and turned off his phone not wanting to see the messages,comments,and calls anymore.  He wrapped himself in a blanket while hugging his knees feeling tears run down his face,"...The worst thing is,....  even though you cheated on me.., I’m still in love with you .... I'm so path..etic.. ”he said crying harder.

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