💕Don't wanna let you go 💕

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"Dream! I have to go home!"Sapnap said trying to get up,but Dream was clinging onto him refusing to let him get up. "Noo,I don't want you to go! I'll be lonely! Stay please!" His boyfriend begs. "Dreammmmm,we can literally see each other tomorrow! Come on!" Sapnap whines at his boyfriend.  "I don't think I can let you go,I love you sooo much that I refuse to let you leave! I don't want to let you gooo!" Dream said earning an groan from the other. "Ugh! Fine I guess I'll stay here." Sapnap said giving in,"But I'm leaving after breakfast. " he added. Dream smiles then quickly kisses him,"Yes! Thank you!" He happily said.  Sapnap hugs the other man then pecks his lips,"I can't say no to you. I love you to much ya know that. You're my weakness." He says making his boyfriend smile at him."I know,I love you too." Dream said.

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