🦃Gobbling 🦃

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George was playing on his phone and getting slightly annoyed because his boyfriends,Dream and Sapnap, were fucking gobbling like turkeys.He loves them but damn  they can be hella annoying sometimes especially during the holidays. "Guys please stop gobbling, I beg of you."George said  begging them to stop. "You gotta make us!" Dream said with a grin. "Yeahh!" Sapnap said with a giggle.  George sighed in frustration as he gets up and leaves the room  heading to his room so he wouldn't have to listen to them. Sapnap and Dream of course follows George then kept gobbling loudly annoying the man some more. George opens the door to their room and quickly slams then locks the door causing the two boys to look at each other and feel bad. "George! We're sorryyy!" Dream quickly said feeling bad for annoying his boyfriend. "Please let us in! We'll make it up to you!!" Sapnap adds also feeling bad. George kept ignoring them and just laid on the bed going back onto his phone ignoring his boyfriends. Few hours had passed and George had fallen asleep meanwhile Dream and Sapnap were picking the lock on the door trying to get it  to unlock which they successfully did,entering the room they quickly joined and wrapped their arms around the sleeping boy giving him kisses. George moves alittle and groans feeling his boyfriend's lips onto him,"Why are you guys here?.." he asked barley awake. "We are sorry about annoying you earlier." Dream said kissing his head. "Yeah,and so we broke in and now we're gonna give you kisses and cuddles to make it up to you!" Sapnap said kissing the back of George's neck. George lets out a small groan ,"Fine,but if you start annoying me again then you both are going to be sleep out on the couch. " he said making the other two smile. "We won't, we promise baby." Dream said softly giving him a kiss before he and Sapnap cuddle close to George planting soft kisses onto him,eventually falling asleep together.

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