Sapnap's Clothes

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Sapnap was wearing a black dropped ribbed sweater along with wearing some black sweatpants because his clothes were in the wash,so he had to wait till they were done. Sapnap sees his boyfriend on the couch sleeping then decides to flop down onto him earning an oof noise from him,waking him up,"Hey baby..:" Karl said tiredly as he wraps his arms around Sapnap and nuzzles him. Sapnap gives him a kiss,"Sorry I woke you up." He said apologizing to his boyfriend. "It's no problem.." Karl said yawning then notice Sapnap's outfit,"Washing your clothes?" He asked earning a nod from Sapnap. "These clothes are cute on you." He compliments Sapnap earning a smile from him. "Awwww thanks!" He said "I don't feel like moving,so let's stay like this till my clothes are done or when I want to get up." He adds. "Sound good to me cupcake." Karl said agreeing because he gets to cuddle Sapnap some more, along with going back to sleep.

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