Sleepy 💤😴

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George leans back in his chair stretching alittle ,then reads his chat as he goes back playing minecraft along with reading donations. He feels a pair of arms wrapping around his neck,"Honey,I miss you come to bed." Dream said nuzzling George. "I'll be there in a about an hour." George said causing  his lover to groan then he sat in George's lap placing his arms back around his neck. George sighs softly at his lover,"Alright guys looks like I'm going to end the stream early tonight have a good night! I promise I'll stream longer  tomorrow! Say good bye Dream." He said. "Mmh...bye." the other man said tiredly. George ends the stream,getting up along with holding Dream,carrying him to their room and laid down together,"Thank you for ending your stream for me." Dream said giving his lover a kiss. "I only ended it because I didn't want the fans to hear your loud snoring." George says. "I don't snore!" The tried man whines then cuddles him,"hmp,you're soo mean." He added. "If I'm mean then I'll just leave." George said causing Dream to quickly hold onto him tighter,"Nooo! Don't go!" Dream said. George chuckles at him ,"I'm not going anywhere I was just joking ."he said. "Good,now let's go to sleep and you better not leave either!" Dream said. George kisses him,"I won't, I promise. " he said wrapping his arms around his lover  whispering that he loves him then goes to sleep with Dream in his arms.

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