🏚Poking around in a hunted Location🏚

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The day was nice out, it was cold out but not to cold Sapnap and Skeppy decided to go for a walk,the walk was very long and then somehow they found an abandon place and decided to look around. It seemed like age has taken its toll on the bullidings because they were covered with moss,vines and mold along with bricks were scattered all over the place. "Geez,I wasn't expecting to walking straight into some abandon place to be honest." Skeppy said. "Yeahh,if this place scares you to much we can turn back." Sapnap said jokingly causing Skeppy to roll his eyes at him."Haha very funny, I'm not scared." Skeppy said as they entered one of the buildings to see what they could find or see if there was anything. The first thing they saw was graffiti on the walls along with some trash,they kept walking and looking around untill they heard screams and banging noises from afar which causes them both to jump slightly. They followed the noise quickly to see or  checking to see what's happening, they enter the room where the noises were coming from and saw that there was no one there,"Maybe just the wind?" Sapnap said nervously.  "Bruhh that kind of thinking is how dumb people die in horror movies. I'm not trying to die." Skeppy said."Shit,you right.." Sapnap curses. They walked out of the room exploring the building some more hearing some unexplained noises while walking,"Dude! I just saw a person right in that room!" Skeppy excalimed." I think we should leave this place,my ass isn't trying to get hunted or possessed, or some shit like that." Sapnap said as a brick got suddenly picked up and was thrown at the two nearly missing them. "Okay,that's enough of this place. Let's book it." Sapnap quickly said as Skeppy quickly agrees with him as they quickly left the building and hurried back to the path they came from and came back to where there was more people,"Let's not go to a place where's it's hunted. " Skeppy said.  "Don't gotta tell me twice. " Sapnap replies.

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