Beauty and the Devil

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Skeppy laids in his bed as he waits for his mother to return from her trip,he quickly sits up as he hears his brothers talking loudly outside his door mentioning how their mother had returned. Skeppy leaves his room to quickly greet his mother to see she look all beat up,"Mother!, what happened to you!" He cried up wrapping his arms around her. "Skeppy.. I'm so sorry.." She said as tears fell down her face,"I was looking for stuff to bring to my sons on my way back,and I happen to stumble upon a castle.  I enter it,it looked abandoned so I took some things then out of know where this devil man like creature attacked me... I manage to survive but.... like the saying goes I made a deal with the devil.. I have the things I took,but you have to be his can't be with your brother and I anymore..." even more tears fell down her face. Skeppy frowns at this he didn't want to be some lover to a monster,"but mom I dont want to go!" He said quickly refusing. "Skeppy, I know.. but if you don't go I'll be killed ...." She insisted earning a sigh from him. "Fine..." Skeppy said quickly hugging his mother and his brothers before he set off to the castle to live his new life. When Skeppy arrive at the castle the doors just open for him and he walk cautiously looking around,"Hello?" He called out thinking someone would answer but there was nothing. "What business do you have in my castle?" A voice roared with anger.  " umm...I-Im here to be your lover?... even though I don't want too.." Skeppy mumbles the last part to himself. He quickly felt himself being hugged from behind and looked over his shoulder to see a devil like creature behind him,the devil didn't really look so scary he kinda looked cute,"Oooh goodie! I'm Bad nice to meet you!" He said with a smile. "Uhhh.. I'm Skeppy...nice to meet you?" Skeppy said. "Heh,I'm sorry. I know you don't want to be here but your mother said it was for the best." Bad said making Skeppy even more confused.  "Long story short your mother told me.she was tired of you laying around basically doing nothing ,so she came to me coming up with a plan that you'll stay with me untill you can do something productive. " he adds.  Skeppy sighed loudly,"Ughh,she tricked me good...." he said annoyed. "Where am I staying?" He then asked."I was hoping you'd be staying with me." Bad said shyly looking away. Skeppy stared at the man for some reason he couldn't say no to him,"fine... I'll sleep with you or whatever.." he said making Bad smile and earning another  hug from him. "Are you hungry? Have you ate today?" Bad asked taking hold of Skeppy's hand. "Umm I haven't. "Skeppy said then was quickly dragged to the dining hall where he had one of his butlers get Skeppy food.  The two talked what seemed for hours but was for 10 minutes, the food arrived and Skeppy started eating noticing Bad staring at him with a lovestruck look making him almost choke,"W-What?" Skeppy said with a mouth full. "Chew your food,I don't want you to choke!" Bad said snapping out of it."You're weird!" Skeppy said looking away. "W-What? No I'm not !" Bad said with a huff. They sat in silent as Bad sways his tail back and forth clearing showing that he was upset. Skeppy ate his food quietly before speaking,"I'm sorry." He said not looking at Bad. "Hpmh!.....I'm sorry too." Bad said quietly taking Skeppy's hand,holding it. Once Skeppy was finish eating Bad showed him around the place the best he could,but somehow he knew Skeppy would someone end up getting lost on his own. He then leads Skeppy to their room which Skeppy runs to the bed and flops down onto it,"Hey you're messing up the bed!" Bad said as he sits down on it. Skeppy scoffs at him,"It's gonna get messed up anyhow so it doesn't matter." He said. " I guess that's true..." Bad said. Skeppy sat up and looks into Bad's eyes for a minute then smiles at him causing Bad to blush,"What?!" Bad said in a loud voice trying to sound imitating but failed earning a laugh from Skeppy.  "For devil you aren't really that Bad,literally you wouldn't hurt a fly!" Skeppy continues to laugh. "I am scary!" Bad said pouting at the other who laughs even more then hides under the covers,"....muffin head..." Bad said. "Awww." Skeppy gets under the covers also cuddling close to Bad,"I'm just playing." He said with a small smile.  Bad places his hand on Skeppy's face gently carss it ,"May i?" He asked earning a nod from the other as he places lips on Skeppy's. The kiss lasted about a second before giving Skeppy another kiss,"Hey...I really like you." Bad shly said. "I like you too." Skeppy smiled as they shared one last kiss before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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