🏚👻Hunted House 🏚👻

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Techno wakes up to the feeling of being kissed by his lover Dream and groans,"I'm trying to get my beauty sleep."he said letting Dream kiss him. "You're already beautiful as it is. You don't need anymore.I wanna go do something spooky,ya know since October is literally the month to be edgy and shit."Dream said."Go by yourself then. You don't need me to go with you." Techno said causing Dream to whine,"Please? You'll get the content of seeing me scared and what not! Plus I was thinking of maybe after words we could go make some Carmel apples too?" Dream said hoping his boyfriend would say yes. Techno just puts the blanket over his head hoping Dream would leave,"Babe! Come onn! I won't leave  untill you agree! Pleaseeee?" Dream kept pleading then lifts the blanket up earning a groan from the other and kisses him,"Please?" He says again."Okay,Okay fine. I'll go out with you or whatever. "Techno said finally giving in earning a happy yes from Dream. "Where are we going anyways? Where are you taking me? " Techno asked as Dream smiled."To a hunted house! There's one close by. Well not an actual hunted house where we could get possessed or some shit,but the one where people dress in scary costumes to chase us or follow us around creepily! That kind of hunted house. " Dream answers. Techno snorts at him,"Wow, who would of thought you would be into a cheesy haunted house where people chase you and 'scare' you half to death." He said earning a pout from Dream,"Shut it! The important part is that you agreed to it! Get ready!" Dream said getting off of Techno who in response tried  hide under the covers  which Dream pulled them off of his lover,Techno sighed and gets up slowly heading  to their closet to put on something warm then got his shoes on. The two headed out the house to where  the hunted house was at, it didn't look to special at first glance it looked like some cliche bootleg hunted house with the tombstones outside the house along with the fake skeletons near the tombs. "I can tell already this is going to be good." Techno said sarcastically as Dream shushed him. They talked to the dude who was hosting it  then they went into the house,there was fog or well more like smoke everywhere  there were chains hanging skeletons in place as screams were heard throughout the place, there were coffins place here there and it was kinda obvious where the people were hiding. They walked around a corner where a bloody clown popped up out and screamed at them causing Dream to jump and cling onto Techno who stares at the clown then they kept walking . "How did you not get scared? " Dream asked. "I kinda had a feeling he was going to pop out because I saw some of his body,so I knew what was going to happen next." Techno replies as they enter one room where there was blood everywhere and a person strapped to a table  screaming and begging for help as a person dress like a doctor wearing one of those old time plague masks with long noses was injecting something into the screaming person. Dream goes pale watching the person squirm and begging for help,"That's not real is it?" He asked . "Probably not.  It's a hunted house but it's probably an act so nothing to be worried about." Techno said earning a small nod from Dream as they progess through the house. They saw many things that made Dream sick to his stomache and not wanting to watch while Techno thought it was all part of the house not really reacting to much of it untill they got to the end of the house where they saw a man running and being brutally attacked by a dude with a hatchet that's when Techno had enough and led Dream out of the house not talking to the house owner and went somewhere far from there and hugs the shaking Dream and kisses him,"I didn't think it would be that bad.." Dream whispers holding his lover tightly as Techno whispers praises in his baby's ear to calm him down from what he saw," Maybe it's not real.." he said but somehow he felt it was but didn't want to believe it himself,"You handle the house very well. You're so brave. I love you, let's go get some caramel apples and try not to think to much about it okay?" He asked earning a nod from Dream as they went to buy some carmel apples from the store. They then went home after buying the apples and decided to watch some tv while eating they decided to watch something that wasn't scary because Techno knew Dream didn't need that in his life especially right now after what had happen today. They found a channel to watch and snuggled together with Techno kissing and hugging Dream so that  he knows that he was alright and safe with him. They ate the apples Dream was now passed out in Techno arms who was on his phone looking at tweets and stuff untill he saw news on the hunted house they had  went to becoming slightly pale reading how it was shut down for many crimes including murder.He gets off his phone and hugs Dream tightly in his arms of course he's not going to tell Dream he doesn't need to be traumatize,"Don't worry,I won't let anything happen to you my sweet." He says quietly and runs his hand through the sleeping boy's hair. The next few days Techno refused to give Dream his phone untill the news of the hunted house was gone and just to be sure that Dream wouldn't know about it either,it was going on the seventh day and Dream wanted his phone back,"Babe,give me my phone! I don't understand why you have it!" Dream said. His boyfriend ignores him for a second before going on his phone and seeing if there was any news then hands Dream his phone back,"I kept it because I wanted to be closer to you,and i wanted you to know how much i love you." Techno smiles. "That does explain why you have been  clingy lately." Dream smiled not really questioning it then hugs  Techno who hugs him back,"I love you." Dream said as his boyfriend kisses him saying he loves Dream as well.

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