🥨Making Snacks for a party 🥨

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Sapnap was getting ready for a party ,so meaning he had to make the snacks for everyone but he didn't want to do the basic popcron,chips ,or anything like that.He thought about what he could do to make his party snacks less basic then an idea popped into his head that he would make halloween themed snacks. He takes out his phone and started to text Dream and George to see if they would help because that would take alot of time to make the snacks especially for one person along with he just wanted some company.George and Dream agreed that they would come over and helped out,in the mean time Sapanp started working on the ghost shaped cookies making them  then putting them on a bake sheet then into the oven as his door bell went off already knowing who was at his door and went to answer  the door. "Welcome!" Sapnap said happily and hugs the two. "Heyo! I just came here for the food to be honest." Dream said bluntly . "I'm here because I don't mind helping I guess." Geroge said earning a small  pout from Sapnap."At least you're here to help me gorgeous." Sapnap said to Geroge who blushes. "Hey! Back off,he's mine!" Dream said clinging to George as Sapnap does the same and the two kept fighting about who Geroge belongs to.Geroge sighed at the two then walked to the kitchen earning a whine from the other two and they followed  him. "So what kind of snacks are you having us make?" Geroge asked looking at the mess Sapnap already created by  making only  cookies. "Ummm I was thinking about making ghost shaped  cookies then frost them,halloween chocolate bark,pumpkin spice buns with glazed spider webs designed onto them ,and for a drink I was thinking  something like a cocktail, but everyone has to drive home and I don't want any accidents so we'll probably just make something with pumpkin spice and that'll be it.  I think we should make the drinks first while the cookies are baking,then we can make the frosting,then take the cookies out to let them cool then frost them,and also somewhere in between we make the bark because it doesn't take long to make." Sapnap said. "Sapnap,we literally share one brain cell. It shouldn't take us long but it probably will." Dream points out. "Fair. We should get started that way we can have time to clean up." Sapnap said earning a nod from the other two as they begin working on the food which took alot of time especially when they stop and had to google if they were making the food right or not. They eventually finished making the food and frosting it if needed to be frosted but they made a huge mess,"I don't wanna clean this up before everyone gets here." Sapnap whines  clinging onto Geroge and nuzzles him. "Well you shouldn't have made a mess!" George said earning a groan from Sapnap. "Dreammm,tell Geroge to stop bullying me!" Sapnap cries out. "George! What the fuck?! Don't bully Sapnap! "Dream said raising his voice at the British boy who rolls his eyes at him. "Then I can just go home and not come to the party if I'm 'bullying' him ." Geroge said. "What?! No!! Stay!! " Sapnap whines not letting him go. "Not cool! You're just gonna bounce and not even attend to the party!" Dream said pretending to be angry.  Geroge sighed ,"Fine.. I'll stay and help clean up." He said."Yay!" Dream and Sapnap  together said then begins to clean up the mess they had made. Once they were done cleaning up along with themselves people started to show up with Bad and Skeppy being the first one to show up, then Nikki and Wilbur,Tubbo and Tommy, and lastly Quackity, Technoblade, and Jschlatt being the last ones to show up almost an hour late ."Better late than never." Dream said to the three. "Dream, You know I work all day of doing nothing then sleep most of it . You can't expect me to be on time all the time." Techno said. "I just wanted to be late,to be honest." Jschlatt said not caring. "I was going to be here earlier ,but I ended up playing minecraft longer than I excepted so Yeahh that's why I'm late." Quackity said. Dream sighs at them,"Well at least you showed up,so I can't complain about that. He said to them before leaving  and returning back to Geroge and Sapnap while passing by Bad who was feeding Skeepy a cookie even though Zak thought it was embarrassing. "Eww. Gross."Techno said watching Bad and Skeppy. "Shut it,I don't want to hear you saying ew and judging us when you're literally dating Jschlatt." Skeppy said. "He may be ew and ugly ,but my expectations are low so that balances everything out. Techno said. "I'm right here you know,asshole." Jschlatt said to Techno. "I didn't  stutter I meant what I said." Techno responds making his boyfriend glare at him. Niki and Wilbur were talking and eating enjoying their time ,untill a certain blonde teenager not naming who decided he wanted  to start a food fight with his friend which caused everyone to join in making a mess of the place. When the food war had calmed down they had started to bicker  about  who had won. That arguement continued for at least two minutes before everyone finally agreeing that it was a tie then helped clean up Sapnap's house along with them admitting they actually had a good time at the party despite Tommy causing a food fight.

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