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"But mom I love him!" George said talking to his mother about how he had fallen for his lover,Dream,who was king of the blobs. "No son of my is going to marry some creature who can turning one of those things!" His mother shouted getting a gun making  small tears come down George's face,"You can't! He hasn't done anything wrong!" George shouts and grab a hold of her arm which she quickly pushed him off of her. "I'll even have the town to take care of those evil creatures!" She said opening a the door. "They aren't evil monsters like you make them out to be! They have family and have friends just like us! They aren't any different! Mother please stop!" George begged but of course his mother didn't listen." You either join us or you're a traitor, there's no both sides." Were his mother's last words before she left. George quickly leaves the house to go find his lover and warn him about what his mother is about to do. When he arrives to the blob kingdom he quickly found Dream and told him about it. "I'm so sorry!!" George said in between cries feeling like this was his fault. Dream quickly hugs George kissing him along whispering comforting things into his ear,"It's okayy,hopefully I can get through your mother and war doesn't have to break out,but if it does. I gotta warn and prepare my people just in case." He said earning a nod from George. Dream quickly warns his people to get ready just in cause war breaks out,once everyblob was ready they see George's mom come marching forward with a whole riot. "See?! They have gotten my son and brainwashed him!! You kids could be next" She shouts making the riot even more angry. "Everyone stop! This is crazy! They haven't done anything wrong! Nor have they brainwashed me!" George said trying to get the mob on his side."liar! See,this is what happened when you let these monsters do whatever they want! I want that bastard of the king to myself for what he has done to my son!" George's mother said then quickly aimed her gun shooting it at Dream who quickly dodged it. That first fire begin the war people and blobs begin to fight,Dream quickly got his sword for defense not wanting to hurt George's mother as he quickly kicks the gun out of her hands,"Listen! I have not brained washed your son! Is it that bad that he's dating me?! " Dream asked dodging her punch. "Yes! He was a good boy untill he met you! You ruined him!" She said angrily.  "Listen,you gotta face the facts, George isn't straight like you want him to be! He can date whoever he wants!" Dream said back in the same tone.  George got in between the two,"Mom! You gotta listen to me! I love this man with all my heart! He has never hurt me or brainwashed me like you have! Don't you want to see me happy? It's literally my choice to choose who I want to date not yours!" George said to his mother who quickly slaps him. George feel tears  fall down his cheek as he put his hand on his face,".... See what I mean?... Dream would never slap me or hit me like you did....I may have ruined my relationship with you...I don't want  to say this but please stop this war and get out of my life...." he said as he quickly hugs Dream. "If you don't do as told,I will kill you myself with no problem.  Your son won't cause you any problems anymore. He's with me." Dream said glaring at the woman raising his sword with no hesitation to strike her down. "Tsk..." She said trying to act tuff but she was terrified then looked around seeing that most of the people she had bought were taken down with ease,"... fine I'll back away.. I don't want to see you anymore ." She said to George and Dream then quickly called the rest of her mob and they left along with carrying their wounded.  George cries again watching his mother leaving,"I'm so so sorry.." he said. "It's okay George, these things happens. You can finally be happy now,okay?" Dream said kissing him. George nods giving him a small smile,"Okay.." he said sniffing then he and Dream went to check up on their people aiding the ones who gotten hurt ,and live happy ever after.

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