🛒Black Friday 🛒

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From the things I heard about black Friday it's scary how people will fight someone over for something that's on sale and for cheap. Online shopping is safer ngl  especially during the pandemic.


George sighed walking into the house,"Why would you do that?!" He said sounding disappointed in his boyfriend who just smirks along with looking like a mess and covered with bruises. "Hey,it was 50 percent off! That was a great deal and I wasn't going to let some person to take it either!" Dream said in defense. "You fought an old lady for a laptop that was one hundred dollars!! You don't need a laptop!" George replied. "I didn't need it but I wanted it! It can be for backup just in cause my computer breaks or something so it's kinda worth it!" Dream said happily carrying some other stuff in the house making his boyfriend even more annoyed at him. "You idiot..." George said mumbling under his breath making Dream kiss him. "I'm sorry that I got hurt." Dream said. "And?." George said waiting to hear more of the apology.  "I'm also sorry that I fought an old lady too.." Dream said. "Good,go get your self cleaned up while I put some of this stuff away." George said kissing Dream's bruised lips earning a kiss back from him. "I'll  be back so don't miss me to much!" Dream said before setting the things down and heads to the bathroom to clean himself up. George rolled his eyes then smiles,"What am I going to do with him?" He said chuckling then begins putting some of the  stuff they had bought away.

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