Yandere Dream(🔪)

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Tw: Violence, gore and blood


Dream has always been possessive  over George he would even kill for him if he have to. If someone upset his baby boy,make him mad,or even look at him not in a friendly way Dream would make sure to take care of that person rather if it's a friend or not,he will get rid of them if he has too along with making sure George doesn't find out too. Today the two couple decided to go the movies for a date they were going to watch some horror movie that was playing,Dream wasn't intrested in the movie he was more interested in George,"Wanna get some popcorn?" His boyfriend asked him. "Yeah,sure." Dream said sweetly. "Okay," George said  smiling at him then orders  some popcorn for them,as George was getting the popcorn this random guy started  flirting with him causing Dream to glare at the man. The stranger was making George laugh and it started to get on Dream's nerves,he then walked up to the two,"Excuse me,he's taken so back off." He said taking George's hand and leading them away from the stranger and  to find their seats." Awww,were you jealous ?" George asked with a smile. "What? Of course not. I just don't like anyone flirting with you that isn't me." Dream simply said causing his boyfriend to giggle at him then kisses him. "Don't worry,no one is stealing me away from you." George said causing Dream to smile then gives him a kiss. The movie begins to play starting off with some girl having sex in a car with her boyfriend then with the killer approaching the car pulling the girl out,murdering her,as the boyfriend runs away,then the killer goes after the boyfriend. Later on during the movie, Dream couldn't stop thinking about the guy you kept talking to his Georgie and making him laugh,he should be the only one to make him laugh not some stranger. He growls lowly then gets up causing George to look at him,"I'm going to the bathroom,I'll be back." He said earning a nod from George as he leaves then goes back to find the stranger,which wasn't hard because he was flirting with other people out in the lobby. Dream approaches the man,"Heyy~ Can we talk in a place more private?~" Dream said in a flirtatious tone then wraps his arms around the stranger causing him to grin. "Yeah,sure." The stranger whisper into Dream's ear,he grabs the man's hand and led him to the bathroom then made sure no one was in the stalls and takes out a knife launching at the man beginning to stab him repeatedly.  The man couldn't scream for help because the first place Dream stabbed him at was in the throat then the head,blood splattered all over Dream along with the floor soon enough the man was dead. Dream grins at the body ,"That's for making my Goggy laugh and talking to him.." he says then quickly goes outside to his car to get a change of clothes,alot of proxide,a bucket ,a  scrubber,and two pairs of gloves. He then go back inside without being seen and heads back to the bathroom, where he begins dragging the body to one of the stalls closing the door making sure it was lock then put some peroxide in a bucket throwing the scrubber in there. He puts the gloves on taking the knive and start cleaning it in the bucket of peroxide making sure to wash it good then sets it on the counter. He begins taking the scrubber out of the bucket and begins cleaning  the floor making them clean that way on one would know that someone was killed in the bathroom untill they unlocked the stall and find the body. Once the floor was cleaned Dream dumps the bloody water in the toilet then flushes it,he then changes clothes quickly putting his clothes and gloves into the bucket along with the peroxide for use later if he needed to. He puts on his second pair of gloves taking the knive putting it into his hoodies pocket then goes back to the car with his stuff putting it in the back in his truck.  Dream then spots a drunk man on the streets and walked up to him,"Can you hold something for me?" He asked. "Huh? Yeah sure?" The man said as Dream places the knife in his hand. The drunk man looked at it confusingly  then grasp it in his hand waving it around,Dream takes it back thanking the drunk man and head back inside to the bathroom then slides the knife in the pool of blood that was forming from the stall that he had stuffed the body in,then quickly goes back to George sitting next to him. "What took you so long?" George whispered . "My stomach was upset and I had to go real badly. Let's just say we shouldn't go in the bathroom." Dream whispers back. "Eww! I didn't need to know that." George whispered in disgust. "Well you asked." Dream said laughing lightly. "Okay,okay,let's just end this conversation and watch the movie,so we don't disturb anyone." George said. Dream kisses his lover wrapping his arm around him,then rest his head on him as they watched whatever was left of the movie. When the movie ended they headed out of the movies to be greeted by flashing red and blue lights along with ambulances .The paramedics were carrying a covered body on a stretcher with a sheet over them as the cops were finding out who did it. Dream kept making George walk to his car and made him get in then gets in the car  and heads home. "I wonder what that was all about." George asked. "Same,I hope everything for the family will be okay." Dream said pretended to sound sad so that wouldn't make him suspicious.  George agrees with him,after awhile they arrived to their house and went inside. "It's getting late.Why don't you take a shower first? " Dream asked. "Yeahh,alright." George said without questioning it because it was around midnight when they came home. Dream wrapped his arms around his lover kissing him "I might join you in a min or two,after I get some water"he said whispering in George's ear causing him to blush. "Dreamm stopp!" George said hiding in Dream's chest making him chuckle. "You know you would love that." Dream said grinning.  George moves away from Dream,"Don't be to long." He said with a huff, then went upstairs to get the bath ready. Dream goes out to his car taking the stuff he used and go back inside he put his bloody clothes in the washer putting tons of soap and bleach in there then started it,he washes the bloody gloves he used along with putting peroxide on them then throws them away once they were well cleaned. He then takes the bucket and scrubber and washes them with peroxide and soap then putting them back  in his closet along with throwing away the empty bottles of peroxide. He turns the tv on to the news to find the drunken man he had used for his plan was being arrested for killing a guy at the movie theaters. Dream grins to himself then turns the tv off ,and quickly goes to join George in the shower.

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