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George hasn't been feeling good about himself lately especially about his weight,he tried his best to go on diets but he just can't help himself when it comes to sweets along with salty snacks.  George sighed,"Why is it so hard to go on a diet?"he said annoyed. It's been two weeks that he tried to be healthy  but it hasn't gone to plan. He was lost in thought about what he should do about it when he felt his phone vibrate.He takes his phone out of his pocket and sees he had gotten an text message from Clay.

Dream:What would you like to eat for dinner, Sugar? ,:)

George loves this man but right now sugar seemed to be his enemy ,but thinks of what he would like to eat then replies.

Goggy: How about something healthy? Nothing to salty or sweet please, I'm trying to lose weight.

Dream: Awww,guess I'm off the menu for tonight? ;(

Goggy: Haha,very funny. Please,do this for me? I'm trying very hard to lose weight.

Dream:But Sugar Plum,you're fine the way you are! I love you and your body! I love those chubs and your chubby cheeks but mostly I love your thicc thighs! Any man or women would fall head over heels for you !

George smiles at the message ,god he was so lucky to have this man in his life not only as a friend but also a lover

Goggy:You know the best ways to cheer me up,heh thanks I needed that compliment.

Dream: I'm glad I could cheer you up! I'll be home in a an hour or two with some stuff then we can make dinner together! It would be so romantic!

Dream: little spaghetti kisses in candle light,totally not ripping that idea off from a movie, or we could make  something more green like a stir fry,we can have mostly vegetables and I can buy some skinless and boneless chicken breasts that way it's less calories,fat,and cholesterol too!

Goggy:Okay,either or sounds perfect! Thank you for helping me to diet! <3

Dream:It's no problem love,see you when I get home! <3

Googy:Okay <3

George smiled and puts his phone down,"I love that man." He says and decided to get up and do something before Clay comes home.

(/ ̄ー ̄)/~~☆’.・.・:★’.・.・:☆ ~Time skip ~~~

George hears the door opening along with bags in his boyfriend's hands,"I'm home!"his boyfriend calls out happily,which made him smile. He takes a bag from Clay to help him out then they went into the kitchen ,"So what are we making tonight?" He asked.
"We're making Stir fry! I thought long and hard about it too! Even though I enjoy spaghett kisses, I love seeing you happy more! I made sure to get broccoli, green beans,brussel sprouts,and carrots with some soy sauce and some garlic to season with! We can roast or steam them that way it be more healthy! Also for dessert I got some pineapple and oranges!" He says grinning. George smiles at him and quickly hugs him,"Thank you so much.." he said as Clay smiles sweetly and  hugs him back kissing him. "You're welcome,now let's get dinner ready okay?" Clay said earning an nod from George.   They made the stir fry making sure to steam the veggies then season then slightly,and once the stir fry was ready they platted it. "Wow,this looks so good!" George said amazed by how good the food  turned out, his boyfriend just smiles sweetly at George as he admires the food. They soon begin eating and enjoying their dinner that they made together. When they were finish eating Clay grabbed their plates putting them in the sink then grabs the slice fruit he had brought and setting it down on the table. "Do you feel better ?" Clay asked taking a pineapple slice and feeding it to George who happily eats it,"Yeah,I'm feeling much better. "George said as his boyfriend feeds him another piece of fruit. Once the fruit was gone they cleaned up,and head to bed to watch a disney movie and cuddle. George was sitting on Clay's lap while his boyfriend holds him  giving him little kisses,"Clayy,stop it. I'm trying to watch Ratatouille!" George said blushing slightly. "I can't help it! You're just to gorgeous."Clay said then pins his lover  to the bed giving him kisses all over his body.  He kissed George's head,lips,neck,chest ,hands and arms, and his waist ."You're so beautiful. " Clay says lovingly as he lifts George's leg up kissing his thigh. George's face was now a dark red color, "Clay,you're so embarrassing.." he says looking away. His boyfriend puts his leg down and kisses him,"Good,be embarrased only for me,then I can be the happiest man alive. " he said kissing him again while intertwining his fingers with George's. "I love you so much George and I mean it. I'd do anything to see you smile,even risk my own life for you. I'm proud of you for going on this diet to better yourself,but I will never stop loving you and will always be by your side. No matter what shape or size you are, you will always be my Goggy." He said then notice tears running down George's face and quickly wipes them away and kisses him. "I..I love you so much,I don't deserve you." George cried out as his boyfriend kept kissing and wiping away his tears until he calmed down. Once George had calm down he sniffed then hugged Clay tightly,"Thank you,so much. For making me feel loved, I love you." He said with a small smile.  His boyfriend smiled ,"I love you too. Let's finish watching the movie,then we can sleep okay?" Clay said before giving him another kiss earning a nod from George,"Yeah okay."his boyfriend said smiling. The whole night was basically watching disney movies,Clay kissing and complimenting George, forgetting about sleeping,and cuddles.

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