George and the Two Men

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I didn't really proof read this-

Parody of Snow White kind of-


George was the fairest of all the land everyone in the kingdom love him along the with admire because he was so honest ,kind,and thought about others first.  Not everyone liked him,his ex friend Eret hated him and was trying to kill George. George's father had decided that his son should hide away from Eret so that he couldn't harm his son  . So here George was in deep in the woods and somehow found a cottage,knocking on the door to see if anyone answers but no one does,so he just invites himself in to see the whole house was a mess. George thought is he was gonna stay here he should tidy this pigsty up and make it suitable for him,and starts cleaning. He cleans every inch of the house,he washed the dishes,he mopped the floors,he dusts,and ect. Once he was finished he was exhausted and went to lay down in the bed that was there. As George was sleeping some miners came back to see that their house was all tidy and didn't like that meaning that someone was or is still in there house. "Someone has been here.." The taller man with a mask said being cautious. "Yeahh,I figure as much. I'd say we beat them up if they are still here." The raven haired boy said. Dream nods his head in agreement taking his sword out as they carefully walk around their house to see if that culprit was still there. They approach their bedroom and slowly open the door and see the sleeping man in their bed and walks towards it,"Wow for an intruder he's kinda cute not gonna lie~." The raven haired boy said admiring George. Dream didn't say anything but gently shakes George who wakes up rubbing his eyes then sees the two men then his eyes widen as he shot up right out of bed,"Who are you?! Why are you here?!" George asked ready to fight if he had to. "Well first of all you broke into our house and made yourself at home." The masked man said putting his sword away as he see that George wasn't a big threat to them. "Secondly, Who told you to be so cute!" Sapnap added. "Oh..this it your house..I'm sorry I was just hiding because my friend is out to kill me,so I kinda need a safe place to stay at.." George said quietly.  "Welll we could always use a house wife." The raven haired man said quickly. "House wife?" George asked nervously.  "Yeah I guess that could work. You clean and cook for us and we'll provide you protection. I think that's a good deal unless you want your friend to find and kill you." The taller man said . George thought about it not really having a choice,"Fine,I'll be your house wife... I'm George and you two are?" He asked. "I'm Dream and that's Sapnap. " Dream said as Sapnap waves at George giving him a smile. "Since,it's late you can start making us dinner." Dream said without hesitation. George nods his head as he quickly leaves the bedroom to make them dinner. " awe such a cutie. He looks like he's easy to tease." Sapnap said giggling making Dream chuckle.  "Maybe this was a great idea after all." He said as the two went and follow George constantly picking on him along with teasing him untill dinner was done .

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