Affectionate Dream

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Fundy wakes up seeing his boyfriend sleeping in the bed besides him and gives him a kiss then immediately felt arms around him then feels himself being pulled down,",Dreammm let me go!" Fundy said trying to get out of his grasp. "Mhhh I don't wanna." Dream said holding the male tightly giving him kisses."Dream,come onn I wanna get up and get something to eat." Fundy insists.  "Eat later,give me cuddles now." Dream demanded.  "Dream,no we cuddled all day yesterday I'm pretty sure a few minutes won't kill you." Fundy said giving up on trying to get out of his boyfriend's arms. "Yes it will,If you leave I will literally die!" Dream cries out earning a sigh from Fundy."Fine we can cuddle for a few minutes or something but after that I'm going to eat something!" He said. "Fine.. I'll miss you." Dream sighed. Fundy rolls his eyes at him,"I haven't even left yet. How about we order something and  eat in bed while cuddling?" He suggested making Dream smile quickly. "Okay!! I'm okay with that." He said with a smile as he gets his phone out and orders something for them then quickly went back to cuddling Fundy while they waited for their food.

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