Heated Argument 💢

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Skeppy runs to his room slamming and locking the door with his eyes full of tears,"He's so stupid! It's not my fault!" He shouted then quickly hears knocking at his door,"Go away Bad!" He shouts not wanting to talk to his lover. "Geppy! Please I'm sorry,I didn't mean too! I love you my little muffin! Open the door so we can talk about it!" Bad cried out refuring to the little argument that they had which escalated quickly and some hurtful things were said. "I don't want to talk!" Skeppy said from the other side,"You made your point by saying that I was idiot! " he added. Bad could hear his voice break when he said that,"Geppy,I didn't mean it  in that context ! I was just joking,I would never insult you or hurt you,I promise!" Bad said sniffing with tears down his eyes. There was a moment of silence before Skeppy opens the door looking away from him causing Bad to immediately hug and kiss Skeppy. "I'm sorry... I love you Skeppy. " Bad in between kisses  then wipes away the other's tears. "I love you too,Bad." Skeppy said hugging back letting Bad kiss him some more."I'm sorry too Bad." He said softly sniffing.

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