Who's my mother?

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Inspired from Phil's stream-

Guys I'm inspired today,I posted so much-

Not sorry

"Dad! I need to know right now!!" Wilbur shouts at his dad who was reading a book. "What do you need to know now son?" Philza asked already knowing he would regret saying that. "Who's my mother!?" Wilbur asked making Philza look at him in shocked. "I knew this day would come..." Philza said getting up from his chair going into a room  then comes back out with a picture in his hand showing it to Wilbur.  "....Dad..noo..please no... don't tell me you fucked a refrigerator,this has to be a prank..." Wilbur said with disbelief.  "Look at her son,isn't your mother beautiful?" Philza said smiling down at the picture,"I miss her." He adds, as Wilbur runs away  crying uglyly  . Philza grins to himself,"So gullible. " he then chuckles going back to his book.

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