Sapnap,I love you.( ・_・)♡

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"Babe! Babe! Wake up!" Dream said to the sleeping Sapnap who just groans in response,"Five more minutes.." Sapnap said pulling the blanket over his head hopefully his boyfriend would let him go back to sleep,but unfortunately that didn't happen. The covers were rip off of him causing him to groan some more as Dream flops down onto him."Whatt?" He groans just wanting sleep then Dream covers his face in kisses,"Come on,get up! I wanna take you somewhere!" He says giving Sapnap more kisses. "Dreamm,enough with the kisses...where are we going ? Can't it wait?? I want more shut eye." Sap says wrapping his arms around Dream giving him a small peck on his lips."It's a secret honey bun! You've been sleeping almost all day, so please get your ass up! "Dream said earning an annoyed sigh from Sapnap,"Finee." He said as Dream smiles at him and happily kisses him. Sapnap sits up with Dream still in his arms,"Are you secretly going to propose to me?" He asked gently running his hand through his boyfriend's hair. "Who knows. I'm not telling if I do. Anyways,get dress and put your shoes on. We're going out!" Dream answers then kisses Sapnap. Sapnap sighs as his boyfriend gets out of his arms then he got out bed to put on a clean set of clothes then put his shoes on,"I'm so excited for today!" Dream grins taking hold of Sapnap's hand."I wish you would tell me what we're doing. I hate secretsss!" Sapnap pouts as his boyfriend chuckles at him then they head out of the house. They first headed to a small cafe to grab something to eat,and it was basically Dream flirting with Sapnap making him flustered with his dirty jokes and what not,that or Sapnap was really gay for Dream,"Aww you're face is all red." Dream teased. "Shut up,no it's not." Sapnap said not looking at the other man."Aw,you're so beautiful when you blush that you give the sun a reason to shine." Dream said taking his lover's hand and kisses it. "Dream please!" Sapnap said not sure how much of this his heart can  take. Dream smiles at him then kisses him passionately then after a minute he breaks the kiss,"Come on,there's more to do." He said softly caressing Sapnap's face as he slowly nods staring back at him lovingly,"Yeah,sure whatever you want.",he says as they got up leaving the cafe to head to the Arcade to play some games but Sapnap couldn't focus on the game and kept losing because of Dream's  flirty comments then buys him a panda bear from the arcade. They left the arcade and got into the car with Dream driving somewhere ,"Dreammm,I can't take this anymore. What's this secret?" Sapnap asked hugging the panda bear. "Dont worry,it's nothing to special." Dream says then stops at what looks like a flower shop,"I'll be back stay here alright?" He said earning a nod from Sapnap.Dream gets out of the car and went into the shop with Sapnap not thinking much about it or trying not to think much about it since Dream could just be buying him flower to show him how much he loves him or just a normal date. Dream comes out of the shop with a bouquet of roses then enters the car handing them to Sapnap who takes it,"Thank you." He said to Dream who quietly  pecks his lips then starts driving Sapnap smiles softly at the flowers and smelled them. The sun was going to set soon as it started to get chilly too,they finally arrived at their destination which was the park.Sapnap stared at the colored trees that had some leaves falling off them as the wind blows,then notices how it was almost sunset he thought the scenery was beautiful. Dream gets out of the car as Sapnap does the same then follows his boyfriend to a bench and sat on it. Dream wraps his arms around his lover and kisses him,"Sapnap, I love you not only as a best friend but as a lover. You make me so happy,I'm glad I met you. I love everything about you. I love your cute face,you're fluffy hair especially in the mornings,your sense of humor,personality, I love how I don't need to win your love  because I knew when I first met your love was already mine." He says earning a small laugh from Sapnap, "Geez you're so full of yourself." Sapnap says earning a smile from Dream. "Exactly,I'm always right! When I first met you I knew I wouldn't regret being with you and I haven't.  All this being said." Dream begins to say as he slowly take out a small box from his hoodie ,"Will you marry me?" He asked as Sapnap gasped at him and starts tearing up,"Yes,I will! O-Of course I will!" He says quickly hugging and kissing his now fiance. "I love you."Dream said passionately kissing  him then puts the ring on Sapnap's finger . "I can't believe I was right,along with getting married!" Sapnap cried happily and wipes his tears. Dream smiles sweetly at him,"Yeah,I wasn't expecting you to guess it,but I played it off and acted cool about it." He says making the other rolling his eyes at him."Yeahh totally, the signs weren't everywhere." Sapnap said making Dream laugh, "Hey,I could tell you enjoyed it!" He smiles then kisses him."I did, love you." Sapnap says in between kisses.Dream intertwines his fingers with Sapnap's then smiles at him,"I love you too."

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