3: Forest.

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"What do you mean you saw Fries?!"

"I mean I saw Fries! I think he's with those other Free Food members that survived.. expect Eraser, of course.."


"....What is Fries doing in the forest?? Did any of us get close to the building??"

"We know thats not true, duh! We were all here, we're not fucking stupid"

"... Someone else must have then, if thats not the case. Someone else in the forest..how annoying."

"Welll uhh..who-? Who else do you think survived..?"

"How should we know idiot?!"

"Maybe they wanted to get the attention of Twos side,"

"For what?!"

"I don't know. Who knows who it was.. "

Golfball chucked the stick down that she had been writing in the mud with "Whatever. We aren't going to understand why they went so close. But Free food is a huge threat. We need to go hide,"

"Hide where??" Lightning asked nervously, watching her and swinging his half cut off arms.

"We could head to the cave.." 8-ball suggested, looking over at Lollipop. She hummed "Hmm, maybe. Perhaps.. do you think they'll look there?"

Golfball grunted "They won't go too far from their little 'hideout' so no. They won't. Lets go, hurry," She went to stand, pushing her glasses up her face with her foot.

"This is fucking bullshit. What are they even gonna do?! Lightning can just zap them!" Firey Jr scoffed "I'm done with hiding from these freaks,"

"We all are. But only until we are in the right condition will we be able to fight. We've told you this many times.." Lollipop mumbled, her hands on her waist.

"Oh yeah, and when will that be?! When we're more starved?!" He snapped.

"If we did attack them now, what do you want us to do once we actually manage to come across Free Food huh? Attack them with what??" She questioned.


Lightning shuffled awkwardly "Y-yknow..-"

"Oh yes. And then we can let him end up just like Foldy when she tried to attack them. Lets go before they do actually find us .." she ordered.

Lightning looked away at the mention of Foldy.. when she tried to attack Free Food.. he remembered when Marker shoved her into Stapy and forced him to staple her to death.. probably just what had happened to many others..

Bomby looked at Jr "C-come on man, .. I know you wanna just.. finally fight back but we gotta prepare..." he explained

Fj huffed "I know.. its just.. I'm getting impatient.. " he crossed his arms.. well as much as he could since one had been cut off half way "Fine..whatever" he growled.

He would only listen to Bomby.. everyone else in their group was annoying and just, really fucking pissed him off.

Golfball began to take lead, 8-ball looking at everyone else "Come on.."

They followed them, heading to the cave they usually went to whenever they decided to take cover. It was helpful in times like this.. the cave was a little further than any of Twos team were willing to go, unless they wanted to get lost.

Fanny huffed "Why can't they leave us alone?? I don't see what they get out of doing this to us.. why they're so set on killing us" She complained.

Lightning shrugged "I dunn-"

"I didn't ask you, moron," She spat. Lollipop raised an eyebrow "They're just listening to Two. They're all too stupid to think otherwise.."

"Maybe they're just scared to disobey him" 8-ball spoke "We already know what its kinda like over there.."

Right.. they had made a plan to send Eraser over into the building to pretend to give in. He pretended that he surrendered himself, when actually he was just a spy from their group, sending letters now and again to explain what its like over on Twos side.

They told him to be careful while doing this though.. they knew if he got caught he would be killed instantly. It was a little unsettling to think that he had become 'A servant'

"I know that.. Eraser told us.." She hissed  "I know they can overpower him if they tried! Why don't they??"

"They probably actually like Two," Bomby shrugged uncomfortably "Maybe thats why.."

"Some of them probably do and some of them probably don't.." Lollipop spoke, her hands behind her back "If I were in their position I'm sure it would be rather terrifying just to suddenly fight back.. Two is strong.."

Gb sighed "And so is Four. Except we have no idea where he actually is.. that idiot, leaving us here like this .." she growled "Doesn't he care about X?? Isn't X imprisoned by Two??"

8-ball kept rolling, the cave in the distance "Maybe Fours dead"

She looked away "If he died, he would've passed his power onto someone else. But.. " she looked back over "Do you see anyone trying to attack them head on?? No.."

Fanny squinted "Maybe they died too.."

"They're probably just staying low right???" Lightning fidgeted shyly "I mean, they'd totally target whoever has the abilities..so they're probably keeping the powers hidden to prevent that..."

"Wow! You said something smart!" Jr mocked, grinning playfully. Lightning smiled "Thank you!- ...wait.."

"So we can assume that they're still alive then. That's good" Gb walked into the cave with them, looking around

It was damp and dark, echoy too. There was burnt sticks from last time they were there when they had set up a fire. That was from when they had to hide.. last time.. too. It was like their little hideout.

"So, should we just stay here until we think its safe to leave-?" Bomby rubbed the back of his head, adjusting his eyepatch a little.

Firey jr shrugged in response to him "Some sorta thing like that. Anything to make sure those fucks don't find us.." he mumbled, going to sit down.

"Right, yeah."

It wasn't fair how they had to hide from each other like this.. it wasn't right.

They didn't have much of a choice though.


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