117: Here we go again.

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"What are we even gonna do when this damn recovery centre is made?? We can't keep it down here! One of those fuckin' creeps from Twos side will eventually find it and fuck up all our work." Kitchen Sink sat on top of a crate, her legs crossed with a toothpick stuck in her mouth, it being on the verge of falling to the ground every time she spoke. Conch Shell watched her with an unamused expression, her arms crossed as she leaned against the wall. "Where else are we supposed to make it? This is the only safe space, moron." She viciously spat back at the other girl.

Shampoo watched them bite back at each other, Income groaning in exhaustion from their relentless arguing and childish behaviour. It was mainly Kitchen Sinks fault, she was the one with the loud mouth, but Conch always had something snarky to add onto it. They continued bickering, Shampoo looking back between Income and the pair curiously as Income seemed to get more annoyed the more they bit back at each other, due to them getting louder and louder.

"Can you guys SHUT up for one moment?" Income growled and opened his tired eyes, grasping together his fists to hold back his anger. He relaxed himself as the two girls backed off each other, Ks muttering things under her breath as Conch rolled her eye with a "Tch". Shampoo fixed his jaw slowly, placing a hand on Incomes shoulder. "It'll be fine."

Income brushed him off effortlessly. "I don't care what you think, Shampoo." Income spat, squinting over at him. He sighed heavily and looked away, knowing that probably came off harsh but he didn't want to make himself look stupid by retracting his comment. Shampoo held his own arm, rubbing it slowly.

Ks suddenly let out a short laugh, putting a hand on her front as she did. Income snapped his head over into her direction  "Is something funny??" He seethed viciously, her smirking at his annoyed demeanour. She seemed somewhat amused at his fragile state, spitting out her toothpick to the ground before proceeding to push herself off the crate, standing on her two legs.

"Income, lemme tell you a story. You are way too uptight to-"

"Please, everyone? I need to figure this out so we can continue with the project." Snare Drum cut in, trying to calm them down so that he could focus. "Income, please keep everyone under control.. this is important. "

"Hey Shampoo, can you pass me my satchel?" Firey requested Shampoo suddenly, causing him to snap back into reality. Shampoo blinked and looked around for a few seconds, almost immediately forgetting what Firey had said. He had been daydreaming.. the key word here was HAD. Firey broke him out of it.

"Oh? What?" Shampoo had to recollect himself and realise what was happening. "Right, uh, yeah, sorry.." Shampoo leaned over and went to grab Fireys satchel, sliding it across the grass for him.

The group of three were currently sat inside of the small hideout that Firey had been constructing over the last weeks, it was too cold and snowy to be outside right now. Technically they still were.. the snow had gotten really bad and had begin to sort of spill in from the sides and where the flap for the door made of reeds hung. It was definitely cold but the shelter stopped the harsh winds.. mostly. It was cramped but that kept them somewhat warm at least.

That's right.. Shampoo had drifted off into thought when Stapy and Firey began to have a conversation ..oops. Firey was trying to distract himself from losing Fries so Stapy was kind of taking charge of the conversation. Shampoo ..struggled to join in..he remembered his old friends and remembered how easy it was to join in then. Why was it so hard now? Maybe it's because they had a bond that he didn't share.

Shampoo felt uncomfortable in the hut, too, because he was in the middle of the both of them, sat facing the reed door while the other two faced each other and talked. Stapy kept brushing his arm against him as he moved it in motion with his words while he talked, and Firey had his legs crossed so his knee kept digging into Shampoo. He just kind of distanced himself from the whole scene. He was back now though.. back to reality.

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