4: An attacker.

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"Oh my goodness, what the hell happened to him?!"

"I don't... I don't know! I don't understand o-oh sewing machine, Two is going to be so mad-"

"Do you even know what happened?? Weren't you awake?!"

"I-I was on the computer! I-I had been on it for a while and then asked him for something. I didn't get a reply and found him like this!-"

"Y-You know, if.. you get blamed for this.."

"I-I know!! Please just try to help him-"

Last night they were attacked.

It was hard to say how, or by who, but they were attacked. It didn't make sense because Roboty, who was on duty watching the area, hadn't seen anyone. His robotic senses allowed him to have thermal sensors too, (only close by, it can't detect too far) and he hadn't seen anyone around.

So nobody had entered through the exit, but they had still been attacked. And not only had they been attacked, their weapons had been stolen.

Only one was injured, aka Nickel. It wasn't exactly clear why he had been the only one hurt, maybe because he managed to spot them. But Needle was .. confused. She didn't hear his screams or.. anything like that. She didn't know who it could've been or what they could've exactly done, but as soon as Two had found out...


He had gathered everyone into the assembly room. They were all in lines depending on what job they had. Basketball would be on her own for example since she was the only medic, and Liy, Loser, Leafy, Balloony, Fries, Puffball, Yellowface, Stapy, Marker, and Bell were all in a line because they were on front row.

Donut and Coiny were stood either side of Two like usual, Donut looking away. He really did dislike doing this, he knew it made him look bad.. whenever he just.. stood with Two.

"I want to know what the hell happened last night!!!" He shouted, glaring at them all angrily, "What the HELL?!" He had his hands into fists, staring them all down. They flinched at each word he shouted, a little afraid.

"ROBOTY. You were supposed to be on duty. What happened?!"

".. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .-- .-.-.- / .. / -.. .. -.. -. .----. - / ... . . / .- -. -.-- --- -. . / .- .-. --- ..- -. -.. / .. -. / - .... . / .- .-. . .- .-.-.-"

"Translator can you please decipher that?!" He glared over at Gelatin, who flinched

"Oooh, uh, yeah. He said he doesn't know cuz he didn't see anyone around in the area..." He shrugged, Two glared, he was really aggressive.

"Did you detect anyone around?!"

"-. --- .-.-.- / --- -. .-.. -.-- / ..-. .-. . . / ..-. --- --- -.. / .- ..-. - . .-. / - .... . -.-- / -.-. .- -- . / -... .- -.-. -.- / ..-. .-. --- -- / - .... . .. .-. / .... ..- -. - / --- .-. / .-- .... .- - . ...- . .-. .-.-.-"

"What did he say??" Two looked back over at Gelatin, everyone else hesitant.

".. He uhh, said no. Only Free Food once they came back from their hunt."

"What doors did they go through??" He was getting angrier and angrier the less this made sense.

If they went through the main doors it would lead to the hallways and rooms in which everyone works in, aka where they would've been able to attack Nickel. However you needed a passcode for these doors. If they went through the side doors, it would lead to a back room, and through there you could get to the rooms where they would be able to rest.

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