102: A nice visit.

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It had rained all through the night, and all through to the morning. Of course, Two was to blame for this. Golfball had been eyeing up her camera grudgingly, grumbling to herself unhappily as she observed the outdoors through the lens and saw nothing but pouring rain. "It's still raining!" She complained, standing down from the camera and hopping back onto the floor. "We have to prepare to leave regardless. We cannot waste anymore time waiting for the rain to go."

The news about Fries and.. everything else yesterday had been heavy. The thing that NONE of them expected though was the news about Donut. Nobody had thought this.. I mean, the fact that Four would be alive after all this time was unlikely, so the Four death news wasn't exactly a stab to the heart, but the fact he had FOURS POWERS really caught some off guard.

Basketball mentioned how only Gelatin knew.. to her knowledge. It was possible Fries knew as well since he would always be around Donut. Why didn't Fries say anything though when he was here? He did say there was some things he couldn't mention.. which was annoying because now they would never know what that was.

But also it raised another question. Why had Donut not done anything? Was it really that difficult to use the powers? Golfball didn't know because she had never had a numbers power abilities before but.. that question pondered her. She NEEDED to meet Donut, they all needed to. He was the missing piece to the puzzle on how to stop Two for good.

Blackhole was out as of currently, patrolling the area nearby in case there was any sign of the group. He insisted so that he could attack them head on if he saw them.

"You got that right." Snowball grumbled, boredly leaning against the wall nearby. Everyone was sat around, only having just woken up around an hour ago. Jr groaned "Ughhh!!! I hate the damn rain!" He kicked some trash.

"Well I hate dying! So I think we should leave as soon as possible." Naily shot back at him, before looking over to Golfball hopefully "We are leaving today, right?"

"You can count on that. We will need everyone to carry something, if they can. 8-ball, you are the exception." She grimaced, annoyed. He grinned ".. Wish you were me?"

"Ha! Hardly so." She confidently spat, before quieting down as Tennisball entered the room again, carrying Golfballs toolbox into the room out of request. "Here.." he spoke, huffing. "Why, thank you TB." She proceeded to flip up the life and look through it as soon as he placed it down, kneeling down so she could see easier.

"Uh.. what's THAT for?" Blocky asked and pointed at it, crossing his arms as she looked over. Golfball rolled her eyes. "Tch! Were you not listening before?!"

"It's for their bands, Blocky." Eraser snickered, nudging him with his elbow. Golfball huffed. "Hmp! Glad SOMEONE can be bothered to listen to me."

"..Uh." Blocky looked around, still not really understanding "I don't get it. What about the bands?"

"..S-So she can undo them just in case they have some sort of.. tracking feature in them. Or if Two managed to find a way to re-enable them from the base." Clock pointed out. He looked away as soon as other objects looked over at him.

"Seriously? Yikes, I thought Two was too dumb for that." Blocky shrugged passively. Basketball faintly laughed, going to stand. "Ah, kind of. We just wanted to make sure.. '

"Found it!!" Golfball proudly spoke as she took out her screwdriver, holding it in her mouth. She signalled Tennisball to come over so she could work on his first, in which he did. "I-It won't like.. send an electrical impulse if it tries to get removed, will it?" He stammered.

"Well, did you PROGRAM it to do that?" Lollipop wondered, her legs crossed. Bomby looked over to him too, wanting to know the answer. "Uh.. nnno?" Tennisball guessed, but was still weary of the concept.

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