62: Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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Another morning. This morning seemed different to the other recent mornings, because the snow had calmed down. It had stopped snowing completely by now, and the wind had stopped being as vicious. This gave everyone outside a break.. it was nice to be able to not have to worry about the relentless weather for once.

Pen had been wondering all night, as he told himself he wouldn't stop walking. He had been travelling for hours and hours, taking breaks when he needed them but not too often. He had travelled..very far. He had definitely changed directions numerous times, and was getting nervous he was just heading back home, but the area he had got to had a lot more.. well, evidence other people had been around...

..He saw a dead body or two.. it wasn't the greatest experience. He also almost walked into a beartrap, which he assumed had been put down by someone from Twos side. He was glad he didn't fall into it, he had an absolutely terrible pain threshold.

Despite being tired, he was proud of himself for coming so far. He hadn't actually.. seen anyone yet. Evidence of activity but.. nobody really around. He assumed many people were inside or in shelters because of the weather, but knew Snowball wouldn't have to be.. since he could handle the cold weather just fine.

He had not slept at all since being in the van, and didn't regret doing so.

He yawned tiredly and gently rubbed his eye with his fist, groggily walking through the small layer of snow and looking down at his foot prints as he left them. He was worried about finding his way back.. and in all honestly knew he would have to go back home pretty soon.

Sadly.. he hadn't exactly..seen Snowball around. And.. if that kept up, he would have to return without.. ever knowing if he was okay. He knew that walking home would take longer so, he already passed the deadline for how many days he promised he would be out for at maximum, so was worried about that too. Blackhole and Blocky would not be happy.

But also.. what if Snowball was really..just.. dead?

He decided that he would take one more break before looking again. After looking for a little longer.. then he would return. He was really hoping he was okay.. that he hadn't starved or.. the rain hadn't got to him.

Or ..he had given up.

It..hurt to think about.

Despite his negative thoughts, a small part of him still hoped he was alive, and that small part of him motivated him to keep going.

He sighed and slumped against a tree, groaning and looking up at the sky through the leaves that sheilded him above. He was trying his best not to fall asleep, squinting at the orange sky.. it was only sunrise, so the sun wasn't too far up ahead just yet.

He looked back down, going to go and reach into his bag.. he was rather hungry, and had a little bit of food left, deciding that he could eat that. He turned to grab it, and hesitated.. pausing as he saw someone in the distance, becoming still.

No.. could that really be..

Was it possible?

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, stumbling to stand in astonishment, holding onto the tree for comfort "Sn-Snowball-?" He whispered, before gaining voice and standing straight "Sn-Snowball- Snowball-!" He spluttered, running over as fast as he could, almost tumbling.

It was indeed Snowball. He had only just awoken so was pretty tired, jumping at the sound of his name being called. At first he thought it was Basketball or something, or perhaps Tennisball.. but as he turned around in confusion, he was astonished to see it was neither... in fact..


"S-Snowball!-" Pen cried energetically, panting and running up to him rapidly. He tried to catch his breath, unable to take his eyes away from him "I-I can't believe you're okay! I-I was starting to think you died!-" he exclaimed, smiling in disbelief and just..relief, in a way.

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