34: Adjusting to new changes is hard.

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CW: self destructive thoughts, suicide related themes.

It was morning. A long night of suffering had been endured from objects all around. Held in captive.. alone at night, awaiting for their death. The sun was coming up, and the forest was once again lit up within its beam. It had been countless days. Every day dragged.. a ticking time bomb of death.

Yesterday was rough. For everyone. Everyone was dealing with so many different problems, it was difficult for them all.

Firey had lost both of his friends yesterday. He hadn't been able to get a wink of sleep. His eyes ached from the tears he couldn't stop himself from releasing, his body hurt.

Everything hurt. He felt so alone. He had never felt this alone before. Even with just Cake, at least things were okay. But now he couldn't get the image of his body splattering to the sound of a gunshot. Book being impaled and mercilessly killed in the hands of his former friend.

He felt lonely, guilty. Guilty because if maybe they had been home sooner.. or maybe if he had just listened to them, they would be okay. THEY had to pay for HIS mistakes. His punishment was the guilt of what came after.

It truly made him realise that his actions were permanent, but the people along the way were not. Eventually he would just have himself, and he was at that stage. The state of utter despair and regret.

It hurt so much. He felt like a fucking idiot. He missed Coiny. He missed Leafy. He missed Cake and Loser and Jr and all of his friends. He wanted them back. He wanted to be with them. He wanted..peace.

Peace. He wanted everything to go back to normal. But.. that was long gone. Four was.. somewhere. Two was more powerful than ever, and with everyone against each other, and everyone dying to one another, it was only so soon before everyone was alone.

What to do now?

What Firey did was.. it felt wrong. He felt like he had messed up. But now he would never have the chance to make it right.

Gazing down at the cliff before him, he admired the river below. This was the area that they had explored as a group a day or so ago, where even if they had suffered before hand, they were still happy in that moment.

But now he was dealing with suffering AND sadness. There was nobody now.. nothing to hope for. That was the truth. He was too weak to fight, and too weak to live.

He just stood there, scarily close to the edge as he heard the waterfall crashing down at the bottom just across. He had been standing there for a while. Thinking in silence.

It would be so easy. Just one step forward into freedom. It'll be okay.

He wanted to step forward. He could just do it. Just one.. step. He closed his eyes, ignoring the waterfall and ignoring the breeze. Just..

"Are you busy?"

He shrieked in surprise and turned around at the sudden voice, almost falling down in the state of fear, but didn't. He put his knife up instantly, a little shakey at the sight. "Wh-What do you want?!"

Fries was there. He had noticed Firey by the edge, leaning on his shovel and observing him "..I just saw you here. Thought I'd approach you."

"Why, so you can mock me?!" He snapped angrily "Leave me alone Fries, I don't want to talk to you!!" He shouted, looking away. Fries was a threat.

Fries gazed at him softly, taking a step forward "I don't think I should do that. For your sake, that is."

"You gonna kill me too?" He growled "..Just..let me be. You're a fucking psychopath.. you and ALL of your friends.." he choked on his words, weak.

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