84: Painful sacrifices.

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The evening light shone through the gaps in the trees while snow sprinkled down, and Golfball's group were finally safe as they had run far enough from the base and could now relax a little. For Eraser and Clock, it was such a strange thing to finally breathe fresh air, as they had been trapped in those prisons for a prolonged amount of time, However despite their freedom, they couldn't help but feel guilty for Pin, who was still stuck back at the base and would be the one dealing with the repercussions of what had occurred. It felt like they were still not completely free, like there was something still holding them back and weighing on them. However neither mentioned it, too afraid that it would spoil the atmosphere. Anyways, they might as well be grateful for the effort that went into saving them.

Blocky hasn't said much about Pin, but he could clearly tell it was on Clocks' mind. However regardless of all of that, it was still nice to see everyone and.. Just have some space to walk and breathe. It had been so long since they two had seen anyone else, so it was such a nice thing to experience. They had needed a break.

Since the snow started up again, Golfball advised they got home as soon as possible due to the risk of them getting caught up in some bad weather. It was cold too, so that was another reason why. Jr was the most effected by it, shivering and holding his arms as he tagged along. Luckily, they were shaded by the trees, but Golfball intended to find the old cave that the group used to stay in so they could set up a fire for the night and away from the snow as it seemed to be getting worse.

Eraser and Clock had both missed Blocky, but Eraser was really looking forward to seeing Pen too. He had said his hellos to Golfball, who admittedly had missed him too ever since he volunteered to go to the base undercover. He said that it was fine, and if he didn't this probably wouldn't have happened, because he would have never been able to talk to Fries so he wouldn't have known about the lab. Blocky added onto that, saying if Eraser hadn't been at the base he probably wouldn't have believed Fries anyways and, things would have happened much much MUCH differently.

"Aw man! It's so nice to be able to get some actual fresh air.." Eraser commented with a grin, putting his hand behind his head with a playful and confident smirk. Blocky nudged him with his elbow, sharing a smile with him. "Hell yeah dude!" He cheered.

Eraser turned his attention over to Golfball, who was walking the wagon that contained RoboTB, it bumping and chattering over the bumpy path they were walking along. She seemed lost in thought so he decided to speak up to get her attention. "Yo, Golfball. How have ya been?" He questioned joyfully, wanting to hear about her. She flinched as her name was said, looking over to him with mild confusion. "Huh? Hmph, I've been fine. We could all be better off, though.." She grumbled bitterly. Jr rolled his eyes at her remark, swaying his arms. "Are you kidding me? Things are going great! Look what we've managed to achieve!" He threw his arms in the air triumphantly.

"Yeah, yo! I'm pretty happy right now, actually. Jeez, we owe Fries a lot, huh? I'm so grateful for his help..." Naily pointed out, scuffing her feet with an awkward smile. Lollipop nodded in agreement, her arms crossed as she walked along. "Hm, yes. I have to agree, we should thank him once we get the chance. He has done more than I admittedly thought he could.."

"Not to mention all the other things he's done.." Blackhole softly commented from behind, his voice gentle in tone. Naily looked up at him, nodding enthusiastically. "Oh, wait, yeah! How was the base, Blackhole? Was everything okay?" She was curious to know.

He was hesitant to speak, feeling most of the group's eyes on him. Clock was listening but had his vision directed to the ground, as was Golfball. However Bomby hadn't said a word, and was hardly listening to the conversation at hand. Blackhole felt a tad nervous... he wanted to mention Tennisball but knew that Golfball probably wouldn't take it well. He decided to not mention it unless it was brought up.. Also, er.. Tennisball had been fixed up with.. Well, Pillow, and he really didn't want to think about that right now. He didn't say anything to Fries about it since Fries hadn't exactly told him anything about it but, he definitely didn't feel good about what he saw. He decided to talk about Tree instead.

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