90: How could it get any worse?

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Lunchtime came slowly.. for Basketball at least. She had heard the news that Tv and Robot Flower were being dismantled..they had already ruined Tv but to ruin him further.. was awful. Not only that, but ROBOT FLOWER. Basketball never even got to see her before they started. She had been in the cafeteria and noticed her getting dragged away. She never got the chance to talk to her properly before she was switched off..Basketball didn't like thinking about it. It just made her feel worse.

Tennisball was busy coming up with the designs.. reluctantly. He had stated to Basketball that he really didn't want to do it and everything and she understood..she knew he had to. He felt awful but unfortunately with Two impatient there wasn't much flexibility in choice. He had been busy all morning all through to lunch so Basketball didn't get to see him either.

This meant she was left with Snowball. She didn't mind.. he had been there for her before. She obviously didn't mind it.. she just was in a stressful mood regardless. She had went to her room to take some food to each for lunch, but of course she was planning to give Snowball half of it. She wasn't even that hungry.. actually, she hadn't had an appetite because of her nervousness.

She pushed her door open with her body, a small bag of food she had obtained from the cafeteria clutched in her mouth. Snowball perked up from the bed he was sat at, crossing his arms as he watched her enter with mild struggle. "Hey.. uh." He heard about all the Robot Flower stuff since she told him earlier in the day.. he knew she wasn't feeling great about it. "How are youuu..uhh, ..holding up?" He questioned vaguely and pushed his glasses up his face, her closing the door as he spoke, sighing "Mm.." she replied, tired.

She released the bag onto the floor carefully and it slumped to the ground, walking over to the bed griggily "..Could be better." She exhaled, burying her face into her pillow and groaning into it..she definitely seemed a lot less happier than before. Who could blame her.. Tennisball felt awful seeing her cry like that earlier, it was like.. she had finally been broken. It was not nice to witness. Snowball awkwardly looked to the floor, swinging his legs "Yeahhh.. I uhh.. understand.." he reassured her.

"I.. I wonder if we should just, leave before it happens or something.." Snowball suggested slowly, looking over to her slowly. She denied his request with a shake of her head, living herself up and turning around so she was properly sitting on the bed. "I dont know Snowball... I'm..too scared of what will happen to her if I run away before I do it.. you knoww? Two won't let it slide. She'll be the one getting the consequences.." She grumbled, hating to think of what they would do to her. She felt weaker at the fact that they had already began to dismantle her today..

"I guess you're right.." Snowball supposed. This wasn't fair.. he could tell she really didn't want to go through with it. Basketball pulled her legs to her body and whined. "It's.. just reminding me Tennisball so much.. " she admitted, her voice frail.

He perked up.. wait, that was right. This had happened before.. when she had to preform surgery on Tennisball to keep him alive. "Uh.. I mean, at least he's still herrrre?" Snowball added on in some attempt to make her feel better. She frowned at him, unamused but knew his words were from a good place. "...I don't..know if I can do that again, Snowball."

"I get that, really.. I do."  Snowball uncrossed his arms, letting them fall to the sides of himself on the bed. "We.. can just leave after you do it. I don't see why we should stay here.." He mostly said it as a suggestion since he wasn't entirely confident on what her views were about it. However her reply surprised him. "Mm..don't  worry about that, we will. Me, you and Tennisball.. I-I want to get out of here..I-I think I've finally had enough."

"R-Really?" He hadn't realised that she was that desperate to leave but.. he didn't blame her and he could see why. They would have to tell Tb about this so he was aware of the future plans.. "I..uh, yeah. I would like that. " he admitted with a mumble, looking away from her and looking across to the wall, mildly swinging his legs as he hung them off the side of the bed.

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