150: Taken for a fool.

675 22 183

Part 1

And as promised, the group left the day after to begin their journey to Rubber Spatula.

It had been two days since they had left the base, Stapy and everyone else who had ever been to the warehouse already knew that it was close.. they were in the right area and had travelled down the cliff like the were supposed to. The tense feeling of worry lingered around the group the closer they were to the warehouse, some more than others, but this had to be done.

Shampoo was terrified of seeing Rubber Spatula again.. he must have changed significantly for the worse compared to last time Shampoo saw him. Rubber Spatula had been off his rocker before, but never this much.

Shampoo had been on the fence about the whole murder thing,.. knowing that Rs betrayed Tape, and everyone else in that warehouse just to be in power was sickening.. but was he actually irredeemable? Was it just the power getting to his head?

A lot of them felt this way.. but a lot of them didn't. It was a noticeable split, and Golfball was aware that she wouldn't be able to convince them until they saw Rubber Spatulas malicious actions with their own eyes.

The group were a little tired from the days of walking, slower than usual. Maybe it was the nerves.. but it was noticeable - all of their hesitance combined created a pretty negative feeling amongst them all. Golfball wished she knew what to say, but.. it was honestly best to leave them to their own minds and coping mechanisms.

The weapons were heavy to carry.. in a way she was kind of glad she didn't find the guns - they would have been way too much to carry and probably would've worn them out too much before they even got to the base. Her gaze stuck to the ground as she listened to the few conversations happening around her, not really processing any of them but kind of just letting the words pass through her.

She peeked up for a moment, setting her gaze on Blocky, who was just ahead but to the side of her.. she struggled to see his facial expression from where she was, but she could catch a glimpse.. he didn't look too happy. Well, she knew he was doing better at least, he had been talking a little more around the group, more to Eraser and Pen specifically but that was still something.

She cleared her throat, speeding up to catch up with him. She joined him by the side, speaking once he looked over to her and clearing her throat. "How are you holding up, Blocky?" She wondered, deciding to try and help him feel better. She .. wasn't afraid to admit that anymore, she genuinely wanted to help out her friend while he was in such a dark place.

"What? -" he croaked. "Uh.. fine. I guess, you know.." he awkwardly faltered, his voice low. He had a knife on him, as he refused to touch that axe that had killed Clock.. it was the same axe that he and Woody had found in the forest at the very start.

Butterfly effect..

"Yes, I can see. You look tired." She pointed out, before turning her gaze back in front of her. "How are you feeling about going to visit this guy, then."

"Not great." He muttered harshly, sounding irritated at the question. "But.. you know, it's .. gotta be done. I really don't wanna lose anyone else, though.."

His voice lost its sound as his eyes drifted in front of himself to Pen and Eraser, a sad expression forming on his face. She noticed this was where he was looking, silently exhaling. "I.. I know. I understand, really.
I-I do."

Blocky looked over to her, his eyes lidded and worn. His movements were slow, lacking the energy he once had. It was like he was a completely different person, but she knew it was still him. She knew he was smart enough to not do anything stupid to himself or anything else.. but she was still worried about his mentality.

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