74: Lost friends.

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Evening had finally approached and generally the day had been quite.. dreary. Everyone had kind of been.. a little down based on everything happening the last few dsys. Even the brightest of the groups hadn't been feeling exactly the greatest and.. it honestly was looking pretty dull for the future.. if you looked at the bad side, at least.

Robot Flower, however, was excited to see her friend Tv after being away from him for so long. The whole reason why she went to the warehouse in the first place was because of Tv and to stop whoever was controlling him. She got more than she bargained for but.. despite this she was still really looking forward to being able to talk to him after all this time. She was.. surprised he hadn't already approached her at lunch. She thought nothing of it, though.

It was dinnertime and a lot of objects had retreated to their rooms to eat, however groups were still in the cafeteria. Robot Flower had asked Tree to join her in seeing Tv, and of course he agreed because they were friends and.. honestly it would be nice to see the object he was supposedly electrocuted for.

"I haven't seen him in so long.." She wearily spoke and looked to the ground as they were walking to the cafeteria together, clearly sounding kind of nervous. Tree shrugged, having his arms crossed "Well.. I'm sure nothing much has changed. He should be happy to see you, actually"

She sighed, trying to believe him "Y-Yeah.. I hope he's been okay here with Roboty.." Earlier after informing Tennisball of the bad news about Nickel and Anchor, she went to talk to Roboty. He seemed pleased to see her and she was likewise... Roboty didn't even mention Tv, though.

"Should be..." Tree mumbled and trailed off, kind of missing his friends in these moments.. the fact she was talking about it made him feel a little down. She didn't notice though, pushing her way through the cafeteria doors.

"Now, where is he?" She put her hands on her hips happily, searching the area for Tv. Tree took a moment to look around, becoming confused and tensing, uncrossing his arms.

"...What is Tv doing with Free Food..?"

"What?-" she instantly replied and paid attention towards where Free Food usually sat, taking a few seconds to take in the view.. Tree was right. Sitting with them was Tv, seemingly looking bored and miserable .. maybe it was some sort of mistake?

"Do you think.. Two put him with them..?" Tree asked her hesitantly, looking to her with concern.. why would Two want to do that..? She was unsure likewise "I..I.. I don't-.. " thinking about it frustated her..she became angry, going to storm over to the table in a rage.

Why would Tv be there? She hoped nothing had changed too much since she left.. she left BECAUSE she wanted to help Tv. What was the point of leaving for him if.. he had changed.. surely he hadn't changed? There had to be a good reason for this. She began to not feel so good.

"Tv!" She called out to get him to look over, making her way over to him. The group turned boredly as they heard her voice, Bell groaning quietly and tutting "I thought she died out there.." she muttered unhappily, looking away in irritation. Puffball made an exaggerated sigh "Noope.." she popped the "p" as she spoke.

"Tv! What the hell are you doing sitting with.." she realised her tone of voice so decided to pack it in, not wanting to seem like she .. didn't like Two. Sometimes she forgot she still had to pretend to like them. "...Why didn't you say hello to me?" Yellowface didn't like her attitude but let this play out, knowing well that she wouldn't like this. Bell smirked and looked away.

"...Oh, hi." He didn't even look at her, looking at the table. "I mean, ..I didn't really care.. that you came back." He admitted shamelessly, kind of irritated. She physically flinched hearing this.. "..Wh-..What..? Tv.."

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