78: Bittersweet welcome.

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When they had been allowed to leave, Fries had proceeded to show Blackhole where he would be staying while in Twos base. As soon as they got to the room they felt relaxed, relieved that the plan had actually worked and they were currently on the road to success.

Fries told him to keep up his act, and as long as he lay low and just did what Two said (if it wasn't too extreme) they could get away and pull this off. Blackhole was very nervous to do this, but felt a little better knowing that Two had taken the bait and now he was inside. It was really happening now.. they were really doing this.

Blackhole had been left alone in his new room by Fries, letting out a soft sigh as he glanced around, admiring what it looked like.. so, this was what it was like for Twos side? In the cafeteria he got a brief idea of who hung out with who...seeing all of Free Food and all of the killers he was supposed to fear was kind of startling, actually. He saw a few odd objects..Gelatin, Gaty, Roboty.. most of them he hadn't seen for almost a month, perhaps longer.

The room was mostly bare. There were a few things here and there, he noticed a weapon was poking out from under the bed. The bed itself had purple stains on it.. this was apparently supposed to be Markers old room so he wasn't so surprised.

He flinched as he heard someone knocking on the door, turning his body to worriedly look at it.. it couldn't have been Fries, he knew it wasn't.. Fries said he had to go talk to Free Food so they didn't get suspicious... maybe it was someone who got lost? He decided to speak up, internally groaning.

"Yes..?" He called, hoping they heard him from the other side of the door. He was in awe as it swung open without warning, backing up slightly as they made their way inside forcefully..

It was.. Tree? What was he doing here.. he feared something like this would happen.. he was hoping he could just avoid Tree himself. He didn't want him to get involved with this since he cared about him.. and plus he felt bad because he knew .. Tree probably felt hurt from the fact that Blackhole seemingly "surrendered." He was hoping he could keep his distance from him but.. that wish was long gone now.. oops.

"Blackhole..-" Tree took a moment to process the situation.. he couldn't believe he was here. He was still.. trying to get over the fact that he was. As soon as he saw him he felt so .. hopeful. But after what Blackhole said he really hadn't been feeling great. Actually, it kind of scared him.

Tree went to shut the door, making sure that nobody could potentially hear them. He walked forward slowly, his mouth slightly ajar. "..Wh..what on earth are you doing here?" He stuttered.

Blackhole didn't know how to reply. He knew he had to keep this up because..Fries told him no matter what, he needed to keep pretending. This situation was so difficult though.. it was the first time he had seen Tree in... how long? And ..this was how it was going to work out..

Blackhole was going to regret everything he was about to say. He silently inhaled, Tree waiting. "..Didn't you hear me in the cafeteria..?" He reminded.

Tree rolled his eyes, slamming his hands to his sides in mild frustration "Of course I heard you in the cafeteria! I haven't been able to stop hearing what you said in the careteria!!!" He exclaimed, glaring at him.

"..So.. what's the problem.." Blackhole muttered, trying to be passive. He watched as Tree took that harder than he wanted him to, going to put his head in his hands "I.. I can't believe this! What happened, Blackhole??" Tree stressed, looking back at him with frustration.

Blackhole couldn't get a word in edgeways, because Tree started speaking again. "I'm.. I don't believe it! Theres no way you're.." Tree trailed off, wishing that this wasn't real..  Blackhole would never..do this

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