61: The attack.

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Night time had finally arrived.. and finally the group Needle found had prepared to attack and try and free the prisoners that had been trapped by Rs and the gang. Of course.. they were nervous, and some of them were reluctant (PDA) but they were determined to get this over and done with.

It was dark out.. but not pitch black just yet. The sky was a darker shade of blue, with a tinges of orange at the edges. There was a full moon out, and it blended with the clouds above. Stars were beginning to appear .. it would get dark soon... the sun had disappeared completely, and it was cold.

The snow hadn't quite stopped, but at this point it was harmless. PDA grumbled as they tread through the snow, hitting some away with his crowbar "Remind me why we are doing this again?" He inquired to Leek, who simply ignored him.

"Can you stop complaining all the time?" Onigiri shot tiredly, shoving him lightly and making him stumble "H-Hey! Do you want me to die?! If too much water gets into me, I'll get destroyed!" He barked.

"Ugghguug.." Needle complained audibly, rubbing her head and causing PDA to glare at her "We are doing you a favour! Don't be so ungrateful!" He told off.

Match gently sighed and kicked some snow away, looking over to Leek as the other were bickering among each other. "How much further is it..? We've travelled for like, around a few hours.."

"Mg.." they tried to squint and observe ahead, struggling to adjust to the darkness "It's..hard to see while its so dark. Eveything is kind of just a silhouette.." they concluded, crossing their arms. PDA scoffed, gasping  "No! Really? That is quite the story. Are you sure?" He sarcastically spat.

Leek glared at him sharply, before turning back around " ...I ..think that's it." They pointed to the close distance, everyone looking over. "There's light. They're probably still awake.. so we have to be careful." It was a large building.. with some sort of glow around it from the inner lighting. That seemed like a reasonable conclusion..

"I-Is that really it?" Onigiri stammered, fidgeting "Ah.. I'm actually a little nervous now.."

"Are you guys.. still sure you still wanna do this?" Needle gazed over to everyone else, observing each of their expressions..it was mixed. "Yes.. I do.." Match spoke up, affirming her. "The others do too.. Needle. It's..dangerous but, like, we have to do something..."

"Or we could go home." PDA muttered under his breath. Match kicked him, "What?!" He hissed as if he had done nothing wrong, brushing himself off.

Leek glared back at everyone, continuing to walk "Please be quiet for the moment? We are nearing close.. they may hear us if we aren't careful." They warned aggressively, growling through their teeth as they were frustrated with everyone arguing. "This is serious..PDA.. do you have the paper clips prepared?"

"Hm.. I do." PDA grumbled, putting his crowbar under his arm and pulling one out, pinching it between his fingers and huffing "Perhaps I will not be so kind if you continue to-"

A gust of wind took them all by surprise, the weather picking up. PDA stumbled, Needle brushing herself off from the snow. "L-Lets ...go, fast. We need to get there and return before the weather is too much.." Onigiri nervously pointed out, looking at them all in concern.

They all hushed up and trailed closely to the building.. the glass roof was covered in thick snow, and icicles hung from above. The light from inside still somehow managed piece the coat of snow on the roof, illuminating the surrounding area in a yellow light, attracting the group and giving them sight of the darkenend outdoors. They took a few minutes to get just close enough to it, slowing down once they arrived at the large doors. A feeling of anxiety was beginning to set within them.

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