5: Coiny.

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"They won't stand a chance against us with these weapons, what idiots.."

"You realise you don't even have arms..riight-?"

"I-I- ..so?! I can still use it!! Shut up-, legless.."

"Heeyyo, everyone! We should start heading back, hm? I'm quite hungry.."

"All of you stop bickering. Lets just do that, hm?"

"Okay-, j-jump in.."


"Hey! Look!"

Liy pointed at a broken window. There was glass on the inside, it looked like it had been broken from the outside. There was no sign of what it was broken by, no rocks.. no bricks no nothing. Balloony went towards it, being careful of the glass so he wouldn't have to go through the Helium Treatment again.. more surgery sounded painful.

Leafy swung her knife and caught it, kicking some of the glass "So why didn't the security system go off?"

"No idea.. " Liy mumbled. "Thats also in the room Needle is in.."

"Things are really adding up to her, hm?" Hpe traced the window with his finger, watching some glass fall. It was on the bottom floor that this had happened, in one of the hallways on the side of the building.

Leafy pondered "So they came in, then what? How did they even know the layout of this place?"

"How should I know.. maybe they didn't." Liy shrugged "The weaponry basement is like, just a few halls across.. so.."

"Well, its clear someone from outside did this.. just.. why did Nickel get attacked?? And why didn't the security system go off?" Leafy spoke, watching as Liy leaned out the window to try and see outside.. there was no clues.. visible anyways.

There was a small drop since it was only the ground floor. The forest was blocking the rest of her view, the trees close.. those fuckers.

"Maybe someone got into the building, turned off the system then-"

"Thats impossible Balloony! Are you really that stupid? Yikes," Liy rolled her eyes "They would have to turn the system off before they got inside.."

"Oh. How did they do that?"

"We don't know! Thats the whole point!" She shoved him, scoffing "Whatever. We should probably tell Two about this. Maybe he'll give us extra lunch"

Leafy rolled her eyes "Maybe.. come on. This needs to get fixed up before someone manages to get inside or outside.."

Balloony nodded, straightening himself up and averting his eyes from the glass. "Right.." he cocked his gun, beginning to take lead ans head to Twos office, the girls following him from behind.


"Why, thank you." Two grinned, smiling down at Pin as she passed him his water. He was sat at his desk, it had been a little bit of time ever since he gave those orders to Basketball, and had to go help up weaponry with starting anew

Donut and Coiny were stood either side of him once again. Donut was gazing to the side, almost falling asleep honestly.

Coiny wasn't phased by the fact she was one of the servants..by the fact they had imprisoned her and was mistreating her.. by the fact she had surrendered to the opposite side and this was what was happening to her..

The fact that she hadn't died in the mess of the war..

She knew Coiny wasn't..right. She knew from the moment he stared into her eyes and whacked her across the face with the sword he wasn't who he used to be.

She looking away as she had her hands cuffed ".. You know.. i-its kinda hard to pour you drinks while-"

"Shoo now. I don't need you anymore. Escort her back to solitary, Coiny."

Right.. anyone who surrendered was kept cuffed ans locked in these rooms, away from everyone, even the other prisoners. They were occasionally called up and told to do things for Two if he requested it, as well as Donut and Coiny if they liked. Of course Donut didn't, Coint hadn't got the chance to

Pin looked away from Coiny, uncomfortably as he walked forward "Of course," he grabbed her arm with a grip, beginning to head out the office.

Donut.. hated how this was what had been reduced of everyone. He hated how people who used to be friends were now enemies. All because of...this ..split. It was ...horrible.

He was glad.. well.. he hadn't turned like that. He didn't know about the team members that were missing in the forest though.. he didn't know if they hated him or not.

At least he had Barfbag and Gelatin. He was actually grateful they were okay. Some people had lost all their friends.. or had all their friends hating them..

Coiny was taking Pin down the corridor, taking a turn and heading down some stairs. ".. Hey Coiny?"

He didn't reply, his sword in his other hand with a tight grip as he lead her. He kept a straight face, not saying anything to her.

".. Coiny.. are you okay?"

He gripped her arm harder "Shut up.."

She looked away nervously, knowing that she wouldn't get a chance to talk to him like this again for a while. She looked back over " .Coiny-"

"Did you not hear what I just said?!"

She flinched at his shouting, looking away again. There was no point..she was going to end up hurt somehow if she kept that up.

He made a small turn, going down some more stairs. The area was becoming gradually more dark the deeper they went, and cold.

She just.. wished Coiny would open his eyes. The whole reason why she swapped sides like that in the first place was to check on Coiny and make sure he was okay. She wanted to see him again.. she wanted to get his friendship with him back.

But.. this was worse than she could've ever imagined. He didn't seem to feel guilty about anything, or just.. generally feel anything. Why was he like this, why did Two do this to him?

She wanted to know. She wanted to know what that bitch did to her friend.

Coiny reached the jail cells, where Eraser and Clock was. Clock was facing away from Coiny, just looking at the wall. He heard that someone had been coming down stairs and didn't even want to show his face to them. He didn't care for who it was...he would be scared of them either way

Eraser was sat against the wall, noticing Coiny coming down and averting his gaze. He didn't know that this place would be so bad.. that this would happen if he went to their side.

Of course he was doing this for Golfball and the others.. but it was still terrifying. Sometimes he didn't know why he agreed.. he was at risk just being here.

Coiny went to shove Pin into the cell she had been in, making her fall to he knees. He shut the door and locked it, glaring at the other two before going to head back.

There of course was another cell, but it was closed off from everyone elses. Nobody knew who was inside it... if there even was.

Coiny dragged his sword behind him as he walked, just looking in front of himself and having a blank look on his face. It dragged and squeaked on the concrete, scratching it.

He wasn't who he used to be. He was almost a completely different person. The trauma of the war could be responsible for the way he was.. but it was mostly what Two did.


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