140: Who's to blame?

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"So.. you were trapped in that basement this whole time with X?" Gelatin questioned Bottle to check his knowledge as the group walked through the forest, his gaze was focused on his surroundings in front of him, as he needed to pay attention to where he was due to being in the lead. Bottle nodded a few times.

"Yup! .. Unfortunately uhh... X died, you know that part already. And.. they gave me their powers. So far I can only shape shift though.. if you ..were wondering about recovery, hehe.." she tried to awkwardly laugh it off, but she was disappointed to hear the news come from her own mouth. She looked down with a sad smile.

After running back into the forest, the mood amongst the group had been mixed. Liy, Tree, nor Lollipop had said a word, however they had only been walking for around 20 minutes. The mood was tense with Liy present, due to half of them having negative opinions on her. Firey felt weird seeing Coiny care so much about her when she had done such awful things to Shampoo.. he wasn't sure which opinion he was supposed to have. He didn't TRUST Liy yet. He didn't know if he could.. or should.

Everyone was still adjusting to the whole mess that had just occurred, and plus they were kind of listening in to what Bottle was saying. She explained how she was kept in the basement unknowingly and spent her months with X, who gave her their powers when he died. Bottle shared how she had been in the vents after being able to escape and had seen mostly everything, and.. knew about Barfbag. She despised her too, so Gelatin was glad someone else was able to hold her to a hateful standard. Barfbag didn't deserve her good fake reputation she had built for herself.

It was very late, Gelatin had to use the powers to produce a green glow in his hand so he could see where they were and lead them.

Bottle had just finished outlining all of this, allowing the others to talk. Tree cared about her so despite his current terrible mental state he still wanted to greet her properly. "..I.. really thought you died.." Tree muttered, his words trailing off as well as his gaze.

It felt so weird to be around two new members of his old team all of a sudden, ones that he wasn't usually around.. he had been used to just being with Pen and Blackhole . "..I.. always just assumed you were dead indefinitely, ever since the beginning.." he added on. "After you were.. killed."

Liy perked up, knowing she was responsible for this. She looked away immediately, able to feel Lollipops judgmental gaze burning into her. Liy felt a mix of anxiety and irritation swirl through every inch of her body while she was stared at.

"Nope! I faked my death." She said it so happily, like it was an achievement to be locked up and ..forced to witness someones slow death without being able to do anything. In fact she seemed incredibly blissful about the whole thing. "It's good to see you too, Tree.." Bottle smiled warmly, turning back to see him. Despite her joyful demeanor... her eyes were still a clear window to her pain, her journey to this moment had not been as easy as she so told.

Tree was caught a little off-guard as she said this, probably because he wasn't used to her. He felt himself gain a weak smile, looking up at her slowly to lock eyes with her, able to see her expression as she was dimly lit by Gelatins light. They shared the same pained smile. "It's..really nice to see you too, Bottle... after all this time." He uttered, his voice soft.

"You too!" She beamed with genuine appreciation, warming him. She looked back ahead, softening her expression. "It... has been a while.. afterall, ha.."

"You learned how to use the powers really fast, huh? I can like, hardly control Twos..how embarrassing.." Gelatin laughed awkwardly, praising her for her ability to grab a hold of them in such little time. Bottle knew he had Twos powers so wasn't shocked, she had seem him use them before.

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