110: It was me.

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During lunch, Coiny had spent his time debating heavily on what to do with his day. Ever since.. the incident on the roof, he had been able to reflect and think heavily on what had..well, basically EVERYTHING. He had tried to force himself to remember more things but when he actually tried it was more difficult than he imagined. He had basic things in his head though, like Pin being his friend.. same with Firey, Leafy.. having actually slashed his eye and etcetera. He was.. glad he could trust Donut and Gelatin, he felt like there was at least something he could rely on in this situation that didn't feel.. untrue.

He didn't feel like he was being lied to. With Two .. he looked back on everything that had happened and after what Donut told him about him forcing amnesia on him to help Two in the war.. it made sense that Two was so nice to him. It made sense they isolated him from everyone so often and it made sense Two was the only one telling him information.

Donut told Coiny that if everyone else knew about his amnesia things would have been much different..Two kept it a secret on purpose to make it seem like Coiny had just turned insane and was doing it out of spite - Two WANTED objects to dislike and fear Coiny so they would avoid him.. as this would make Twos job easier.

Coiny had tried to get as much information about his life as possible but Donut seemed reluctant to share too much information on.. the war and the current situation because he didn't want to "overwhelm" Coiny. Obviously Coiny said it was fine but Donut still refused.. in a way Coiny was glad because he wasn't sure if it was actually fine.. he was struggling to keep it all together as of currently.

So this lead him to today. He had a lot of time to think and.. he had decided he wanted to try and talk to Pin - even if this was a risk because Two finding him doing that would be.. not pretty. Coiny wanted to tell her that he had amnesia and he finally remembered all of the important bits and that they were friends.. and that Two had done this to him. He wasn't sure if she would take it lightly or appreciate it much though so he was a little worried about it.. he REALLY wanted her to believe him because in his memories she seemed so sweet. It honestly made him feel even more guilty because of how he treated her in the last almost two months.

He would have tried to talk to Firey but he didn't have access to him so.. Pin it was. Coiny had been trying to rehearse what he was going to say to her in his room, picking out the best explanation for his situation. How would he apologise to her? SHOULD he apologise or would that scare her? What did she want to hear?

He wanted to tell her the whole truth but wasn't sure if he would be able to get his words right..it would make this a lot easier though if she just knew the whole truth.

He just.. wasn't sure how to do this. Last time he spoke to her he broke down and had one of those flashbacks. What if he did the same thing and couldn't handle the stress?

There was no point thinking about things before they had even happened. He groaned internally and stared at his sword. Might as well just.. leave this here in his room. It would be intimidating to turn up with it.

He turned around and slipped it onto his bed.. his body felt a lot lighter without him holding it in his hand. It also felt weird though, he felt empty. He didn't realise this would be so hard.. yet again he didn't realise that he would even be doing this.

He just.. wanted her to know that he was.. on her side and she could trust him. He didn't want to pressure her but he was REALLY hoping she would take his word for it; it would hurt a lot if this worked out terribly.

He pulled himself together and exhaled, looking over at his door. He was ready.. he was really going to talk to her and.. admit to her the truth. What if she didn't even want to talk to him? She was beaten and had been locked up all this time.. and her legs had been torn off her body. He suddenly felt hesitant.. was this a bad idea? She would probably be upset - the fact that he hasn't helped her all this time probably confused her.

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