141: Moonlight madness.

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After that heavy argument, the group had decided to get some rest. Things had been tense so.. it was no surprise that they had gotten out of hand. With many different things on their minds, getting sleep was a difficult task. However, it was most difficult for Liy, who was unable to shut her eyes without stressing over the many things that were to come. She knew she had to pull herself together, but she couldn't.

Actually, it was the guilt that was keeping her awake. Each object.. they all had their own struggles and feelings; they all had their own tragedies and loses and Liy could be drawn back to many of them. She caused numerous of them to be this way.. she hadn't been able to sleep so had to get up, and walked away from the group to sit down in the open range of moonlight, it lighting up the ground and plants in a soft glow. Her legs were to her body as she looked out into the rest of the forest, frowning.

She was pretty sure if it wasn't for her, Robot Flower would be alive, because of all of the events that most likely lead up to it. Just.. objects in general that she had killed, too. Ones that she knew meant something to members of the group.. such as Taco. Liy had killed Taco right at the start of the war.. burned her alive in some of the forest fires. She just didn't.. know why she did it.

She just wanted to know ..

Luckily for her, Bottle knew.

"Hey, Liy..?" Bottle suddenly spoke up from behind, her voice soft to not wake any of the group. Liy jumped and stood up in a panic, resting a hand on her chest to calm down as she snapped her head over to Bottle.

"Oh- Bottle .. don't scare me like that." She huffed and slumped back down, frowning at the glass object as she tip-toed her way over gracefully, her hands swinging by her sides as she stepped over and plotted herself right next to Liy. Liys gaze trailed downwards as she seemed to relax again, looking bothered. This made Bottle concerned, furrowing her eyebrows at the other girl.

"I couldn't sleep.. and.. noticed you were here." Bottle murmured in explanation, outstretching her legs so they lay in front of her. "Is.. everything okay, Liy? Haha, lot's of stuff happened today, huh?" Bottle was trying to be happy, but her words fell flat to Liy.

"I..It did." Liy sighed miserably. She grabbed a muddy stick in her hand, going to dig at the dirt with it to release her stress. "... And, I mean, come on.. it was all my fault. If they had brought just Coiny back, things would have been fine."

"They'll get used to you eventually!" Bottle tried to reassure, resting her hands comfortably in her lap while she sat crossed legged. "They just.. need some time."

"Time to what?" Liy shot, closing her eyes with hopelessness. "There's no point, what I've done to them will stick with them forever. The rest of the group is going to act EXACTLY the same.. can I blame them? I still don't know why Tree wanted to free me.. " she glanced behind herself slowly, settling her gaze on the sleeping plant.

"He.. doesn't even know why himself. But if it was just because of what Lollipop said.. I mean.." Liy didn't look away from him, the moonlight catching on his arm that lay limply beside him. "What.. do I even say to that?"

"I'm..sure it wasn't thattt. " Bottle reached across and went to move Liys face so she would look away from Tree "He may THINK that, but there's gotta be another reason! You were friends once..."

"Yeah, before I got eliminated from that dumb show. I left on bad terms with them all, too." She grumbled, annoyed at herself from the past. She then buried her head in her hands. "Ughh- why do I keep doing this?? I keep making mistakes. Is it just me..?"

Bottle looked down, slowly. She listened to the soft rustling of the leaves as the wind passed through them, debating her options while Liy kept pestering herself for her past actions. She gently closed her eyes, exhaling a silent breath of air.

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