147: Sparkles.

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The sun was beginning to set by now, and the day was finally coming to an end. A day that they would remember for the rest of their lives as one of the worst they had ever experienced. They would never be able to come back from.. such a tradegy, and although all of them were pained by this occurrence some were more effected than others.

By the time Blackhole had returned to the group, he had noticed Tree still hadn't arrived. Yet, Blocky had by now.. which struck concern in Blackhole. Blocky was being consoled by the rest of the group, so he assumed that everyone had it handled and he didn't need to come over. Everyone was back there, now.

Blocky looked incredible miserable, however... Blackhole did feel guilty, but he really wanted to see if Tree was doing okay.

Blackhole had floated back into the forest where he last recalled Tree wondering off. Nobody had seen him since so, Blackhole assumed he was still in the same place. He passed through the trees gracefully, careful not to touch any of them so that he wouldn't destroy them. Luckily he could fly so he had a better overview of the area, making not a sound as be maneuvered through the trees.

Tree was upset about Bottle.. Blackhole didn't blame him. He too was of course dissapointed it had never been her.. that Four blatantly lied to their faces. Blackhole felt like it hadn't quite sunk in yet for him, he was still processing it. He .. didn't think it would ever quite sink in. He had trusted Four.. and..

After all of that, Blackhole was the one who ended up killing them.

He said he would be able to do it.. but.. now it had happened it felt like a distant memory. Maybe he was trying to ignore it had happened.

Blackhole steadied himself once he noticed Tree sat by a small river, able to hear the trickling of water from where he was. He didn't make a sound, watching Tree from behind as he sat in silence. He seemed to have his hand close to the water; feeling it as it passed him by. Blackhole idly waited, not sure how to approach him.

He was his best friend.. he should know how to do this. Blackhole edged closer. "Er.. Tree..?"

Tree jumped, splashing the water with his hand as he violently jerked it. He exhaled afterwards, able to recognise that voice anywhere. "Blackhole.. you ..startled me, goodness.." he exhaled loosely, his words barely making it to the other object.

"I'm....sorry I've been gone so long. I know you must be concerned and whatnot. " Tree apologised after a moment of recollection, turning his head over to view the other. He rested his hand on his lap, crossing his legs. He was careful when he moved since his arm still hurt, Blackhole able to see his cast from where he was.

It was the arm that Tree didn't use, luckily. Blackhole didn't move, knowing if he got closer he would probably hurt Tree or risk doing so. "Oh, no.. it's, uh, fine. I know you're just.. thinking."

"About.. Bottle, yes." Tree confirmed, his eyes trailing towards the water to view his distant reflection. "I.. I know it's not that bad. I just.. can't..believe I didn't recognise that it wasn't her." He grumbled, frustrated with himself. "..I.. can't believe Four did that to me. That they did that to everyone. How could.. they lie? And kill Clock.. and ..hurt me and others, too. I was looking in his eyes when he.. hurt me, Blackhole. He didn't care..not one bit."

"I..I'm sorry." Was all Blackhole could say
"I..Itsuh, gonna take a while for um.. everyone to like, get over this... " he mused, watching Tree mess with the water by dipping his fingers into it gently.

"I..it will. I should probably go...back. I want to be there for the others.. and Lightning is probably worried about me." Tree supposed with a mumur, Blackhole able to tell he didn't really want to go back yet but.. felt responsible anyways.

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