149: The beginning of the end.

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Unfortunately they.. didn't find any guns. Despite Golfballs aggressive and passionate attempts to encourage them to keep looking, Gelatin had to be the one to get on her level and convince her that this was wasting their time, and that they needed to work with what they had. So regardless her extreme reluctance, seeing everyones hopeful faces made her agree.

So they spent the rest of the day trying to forge some weapons, having a lunch break before hand before getting back to work. Shampoo has just about finished securing the blade into the baseball bat, swinging it around a little to make sure it wasn't loose. To his joy it was fine, making him smile and bring it to his body.

"See? I think this will serve as a good weapon. I-It has to be used by someone stronger, though.." he awkwardly laughed, placing it down onto the ground as it was making his arm ache. He squealed and almost jumped into the air in a fright as Firey grabbed him from behind, not expecting the sudden contact.

"Sick!! Can I use it??" Firey butt-in and leaned down to grab it himself without thinking, wincing as the weight of it caused him to stumble fowards, Shampoo staring in disbelief. Coiny sneered as he walked over, smirking and crossing his arms tauntingly.

"Oh, yeah, you can use that perfectly."

"Firey, there is no point because you have Fours powers, did you FORGET?" Golfball nagged as she marched over from the side, the commotion grabbing her attention. "Just put it down, would you? Blocky or someone else can have it. Don't be so unnecessarily greedy."

"Whatever." Firey stuck his tongue out sassily at Golfball and blew a raspberry like a child, dropping it onto the ground with a shrug. Shampoo shrieked, lifting one leg away as he backed up in fear. "PLEASE be CAREFUL with IT!!"

"Shampoo, were you always this uptight? You're turning into a spitting image of Golfball over here." Firey teased with a playful grin, pointing behind to Golfball with his thumb.

"HEY!" Golfball and Shampoo raised their voices at the same time, both for different reasons.

"What problem is there being similar to ME? That is actually one of the only good things someone can ever say about themselves! Intelligence is a bright gift, one that YOU DON'T HAVE!" She raged at him, yelling into his face.

Shampoo would've nudged Firey, but unfortunately he was in his fire form. "Hey! You know I'm just trying to be careful! And I-I really .. want to go to Rubber Spatula.." he trailed off, Firey rolling his eyes with a huff.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Brighten up.. okay?" Firey smiled and wrapped his arm around the slim object, patting his shoulder roughly. Shampoo flinched, managing an awkward smile back.

"What?! Where is MY apology?!" Golfball demanded.

"So, Golfball... do you actually have, like a plan?" Lightning wondered aloud, floating down slowly to approach the group. Golfball looked over to make sure it wasn't Blackhole, before closing her eyes with a hmph. "Well, yes! I have, actually! And we will be going tomorrow."

"Tomorrowwww..? Can't we catch a break?" Firey whined longingly, slumping back to face the sky. Golfball growled, annoyed by his childishness. "Hey! What did you expect?! Do you WANT Rubber Spatula to end up killing Match and the others?!"

"O-Of course not!" Lightning answered alternatively, raising his arms to grab her attention. "B-B-But, uh, don't you think it's way too soon.. you know,.."

"I have had this discussion already. My decision is final!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Basketball warmly greeted everyone with her presence, smiling weakly to keep her mood up. She was followed by Snowball and Tennisball; Snowball was still using crutches, unfortunately he had not yet recovered fully, even though he had insisted he had, the fact he fell over in pain earlier said otherwise.

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