156: Its over, isn't it?

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3 months later

Dear Diary..

It's been a while, huh? I really miss you.. Donut. Things have changed a lot since you've been gone.. but, I know you'd be so proud..this is practically everything you wanted. With.. me on top of it all, duh. The things I would do to have you here, to show you what you're missing.. I love you so much.. and I know you love me too, don't even try to hide it. Things have been so much better after Two was killed.. you'd be so happy here.

Golfball and Basketball have been helping everyone recover, it's been a long journey but I really think we're starting to rebuild our lives here..without a competition I feel free, you know? And I'd love to feel free with you.. so many people would be happy to see you.. Firey probably wouldn't shut the hell up about having your powers. Speaking of that! He's got so much better with them, so has Blackhole. They'd both be so happy to see you.. in fact, everyone would. You're the reason this has happened.. Donut, YOU helped me do this.. and everyone knows it. You didn't die in vain, and neither did Fries.

Everyone is doing so much better.. its basically everything we ever dreamed of. Just.. freedom. We're..free, and I'm so happy.. I'm so happy, Donut-

"Gelatin?" Lollipop suddenly called, pushing open the curtain to his shelter while peeking her head inside with curiosity. He lowered his pencil and turned his head, smiling at the confectionary warmly.

"Wassup Lolly? Can I help you with something?" He wondered with a yawn, closing up Donuts old diary and sliding it across his makeshift desk. He pushed his stall away while he raised, stretching his arms.

"Mm.. no, not exactly. Just.. came to see how you were doing. You have been here for a while, everything okay?" She hummed, walking inside more before she took a gander at the walls. "You've decorated this place, haven't you?"

"Hey! It's ALWAYS been decorated. You've just never seen it properly." He grinned, sticking his tongue out. "I'm coming now, anyways. I'm just finishing up here."

Gelatin gave a sad smile to the diary, smoothing it with his hand before trailing away, exiting out of the small hut. Lollipop held his curtain open to let him leave, before releasing it and allowing it to swing back into place, joining him from behind. Gelatin smiled happily, enjoying the sunshine as it glistened, having to shield his eyes from the blinding light.

They had set up camp where Onigiri, Match, PDA and Leek used to stay, by the train tracks. This was Matchs idea, as she had remembered this place was away from the forest and also far. In the time they've had to spend, they had fixed this place up well good, giving everyone their own place to stay. Food and resources weren't much of a worry anymore, and the place really felt like home. It was like their own small community, now, and.. it was nice.

They had made shelters out of shipping containers, as well as logs or just general scraps they found. But it felt safe.. and it felt homely. It finally felt like they had control over their own lives.. they didn't have to live in fear anymore.

"Gelatin!" Firey exclaimed happily, currently in his metal form so he gave the lime jello a quick hug, patting him on the back as a welcome. "Where were ya? The weathers so nice! You seriously gonna miss it by being cooped up in that room??" Firey pouted, parting from their embrace.

That was right.. they never managed to get ahold of the weather, so it was stuck as always alternating in a weird way. Sunshine was uncommon. "Hey, I'm here now, aren't I?" Gelatin laughed weakly. Lollipop huffed, judging Firey with her eyes.

"Oh, Firey, don't be so rude. He has better things to do than play games with you." Lollipop insulted, Firey glaring and taking offense. He put his hands on his hips, now having both his arms again thanks to Golfball and Basketball. "Hey! That's mean!"

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