20: Next time, check your surroundings.

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"Hey, Tv, you doing alright?" Tb asked as he walked into the medical room, Basketball glancing towards the door as she heard Tbs voice.

"Oh, hello Tb! Thank you for helping me with Tv yesterday.." she thanked. He nodded "O-Of course! Anything to help.."

Tv looked at Tb "..My ..memory is still groggy.." he spoke, feeling pretty strange from yesterday "I really don't remember what happened..."

"That's okay. The main team have everything on camera still, and it shows your.. odd behaviour..." Tb spoke "We talked to Two and he wanted me to have a look into your signal data and stuff like that." He said "Is that okay with you?"

Tv seemed a little hesitant "Will it hurt?" Tb chuckled a bit "No.. don't be silly. You'll be switched off and I'll just be looking into some things.." he smiled reassuringly.

Basketball was listening to them, "Are you sure that's safe? I don't want to put his life at risk.." Tb nodded "Yeah, its safe. I know what I'm doing.."

It was morning time, and Tennisball had just gone to check up on Tv. After what happened yesterday it was still ..odd. something happened, a small bug, maybe something else, but it wasn't normal.  It wasn't Tvs fault of course.. but it needed to be looked into.

Basketball hummed "Nickel has just gone out for breakfast, actually. Apparently he's being put back to work with you guys again?" She asked, sorting out some medicines on a shelf. Tb nodded "That's right.. I don't think he's ready yet..but.. "

Not many people had been told directly what had happened to Nickel with the surgery, but word got around quite fast. Only few people were unaware, of course Nickel was giving it the benefit of the doubt because he didn't want to face that reality.

"H-Hey, is he doing okay??" Robot Flower suddenly said as she the door swung open roughly. Tennisball squeaked in surprise, closing his eyes in reflex as Basketball turned to her.

"Oh, hey Robot Flower" she smiled "He's okay.. but, Tennisball has been told to look into his situation.."

Robot Flower tilted her head in curiosity, closing the door gently "Hm? What's that supposed to mean??" She looked at Tb, a little pissed "You're not going to do dodgy shit to him, because I won't let you " she spat, moving close to him threateningly.

He looked at her nervously, backing aay "I-Its not like that! I-Im just looking into his data.. check for bugs.. maybe something moved out of place, since he is pretty roughed up. There's loads of possibilities, .." he explained "I-I can help him if I find out what it is .." he looked to the side, relieved as she backed off from him.

"So he's basically just your lab rat?? Jeez" she crossed her arms, clearly unhappy. Basketball forced a smile "Come on Robot Flower.. its not like that. If we don't find out what it is.. it could get worse"

She grumbled to herself "Mgghgh.. FINE! BUT you better not mess him up, or you'll have to deal with me" she growled. She turned her attention to Tv "Heyy.. you.. alright?" She asked. She didn't usually show her caring attitude towards her friends often but.. the situation was really worrying.

He nodded weakly "Affirmative.. just, tired" he smiled shyly. "I-I trust Tb to work on me.."

Robot Flower grinned "He is kindof a geek..sooooo.." she mocked. Tb frowned "..Jee..thank you.."

Basketball frowned "Yes.. thank you. So um, yeah.. I'm glad you're alright with it. Tb will start working on him soon.."

Robot Flower raised an eyebrow "..Okay, Fine," she put her hands on her waist "..I'm going to go tell Roboty.. catch you later nerds" she joked, before turning around and leaving.

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